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Going to UPGRADE!

Guest Goth

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So my cousin is coming from UK in Novem'BAAA. So i thought why not order some shiny new parts from him.


I had my mind set to buy E6500, but changed it.


1: Thought to get a second hand E8400 as my cousin uses Ebay, so he should know what to do. But i decided against it as he uses laptop and has no means of checking a thing. So nothign used.


2: Decided to buy Q8400 but saw the prices at nova and oc.uk are too much.


3: Deiced this combo. i3-2100 and low end mobo. This is purely in budget.


4: Got greedy, went for i5-2500K with a low end mobo. This is expensive and drains my respect abit. Though he is like my little brother but still. I am paying him of course, not free. Just i think it will be close as if he doesn't stay here for long, i wont be able to fully pay him. Thankfully he did say for a month.


Now you guys can see, help me decide which mobo to get. I am not looking to overclock at this given time. Surely in future. P67's costs way too much. I am getting 2500K solely for future proofing. With my current GPU, i really dont need to OC my CPU.


This again is surely out of budget as i have to get new RAMs and new HDD. :cry::(. and as i am a greedy one, i would like either XMS3's or Vengeance. But cash says no get the Value select ones and that too only 1 stick :cry:.


Now, UK residents. Do you know that your currency is WAY TOO PRICEY! WTH! Lets see the price of 2500K. Intel says 216$. newegg sells for 220$. and oc.uk? WAY TOO MUCH! They have the nerve to sell the OEM version at such a high price too! I mean why would anyone buy the OEM version with 1 year warranty and maybe no box and HSF for 10GBP less than the Retail one :/ ?


Can anyone of you UK residents tell me the proper online store? So i can see the prices? Damn see this. If i made my list up with 280 to 290$ being max, the same things in GBP shattered it and my budget. I am going to end up paying 100 to130 GBP more! I am sure that's not a small amount!


Where is AMD? Why aren't they here? I heard they will launch a new processor in October?. Hopefully that will drop the prices of 2500K to reasonable levels. HOPEFULLY!


I know i will end up paying way more than even what i will pay in my country. but wth...


I will carry everything from my previous build which you can see. Except HDD :vmad: Max my parts will sell for= 60GBP. geez.


So answer all my queries please & most importantly tell me which low end mobo. The only low end mobo in my country, by Asus, is P8H61-MLE. So should i order the same one from my cousin or something from MSI, Gigabyte or AsRock flavor?. I must admit, i find the name AsRock abit on kido side :glare:.


More examples:


In my country, The P8H61-MLE costs 49.8637 GBP and i5-2500K costs 142.4677 GBP.


So end order= i5-2500K, low end mobo and WD black for sure :thumbsup:.


I have my eyes on H67 chipset. Though i will gladly buy a p67 if its in range of 65GBP used/new. If any one in UK is selling it with 65GBP shipping included then i am all eyes and ears.


Edit: Should i go with 64Bit at last now? i dont want to as 32Bit is better for me. Most programs aren't compatible with 64bit, most have bugs. Most aren't even available for 64Bit. and is Firefox available for 64Bit? officially from Firefox? This is the only reason why i am thinking of sticking to 2x2gB sticks.





Edit: The Cemented Decided stuff:


Processor: i5-2500K.


Motherboard: H61 chipset. Haven't decided on Company, make and model.


Ram: G.Skill or Corsair in flavors of 2x4gB.


Hard Disk: Western Digital Black or Blue minimum 500gB, more if price and budget allows.

Edited by Goth

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I'd get a WD Blue or maybe a Seagate/Samsung drive instead of the Black and then get a better motherboard with that money (or more RAM?)


Dude, at oc.uk the difference is just 16GBP. Not enough for me to get a better board.


As for ram, All Rams i want are available from here too. The vengeance, Dominators, G.Skill. So not a problem there. I can upgrade latter.


Main problem mobo. and please reply fully :P. When is AMD coming with the procy?

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Regardless, 16GBP is alot! And you'll not see any difference between the two.


Does the savings in price help you afford more memory??


Do you mean Bulldozer or you're saying you don't have ANY AMD chips in your country?

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hmm I know you are trying to help me save money. but we humans :P.


No i heard they were coming with a new processor. Ones which were delayed for October launch? Do you think if they come in October, that the price of 2500K will go down abit? I am trying to be strategic :P:evilgrin:.


You see, i can do with 1 stick of ram but HDD is important as i currently have a PATA disk. Still surely, if i see that the budget is way over the head after finalizing, then Blue it is.


lol i am really performance oriented. Mostly when i copy big files here and there, i like to see nice numbers. That is why i am preferring Black. But yes budget comes first.

Edited by Goth

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Sorry our exchange rate is so crap :P The best stores in the uk I've used are Ebuyer Scan and Dabs. Amd are in the uk?? Bulldozer (new amd cpus) hasn't been released anywhere yet and probably won't be available till at least august, you should be able to find am3 processors though.

Ram: Please don't get a single stick, it will be painfully slow. With the £16 you save on the hdd you could probably afford this kit.


OS: Definite say mly get 64bit windows 7, it hasn't been buggy for me at all and is much faster than 32 bit. I'd say most programs are compatible with 64 bit, I believe there is a 64 bit firefox but as there isn't currently a 64bit flash player you won't be able to do things like watch videos on it.


Cpu: Good choice :thumbsup:


Motherboard: I guess a h61 will be ok if it's temporary, getting a p67 later when you can afford it is a good idea.


I just had a look at the specs of your current pc, imo your power supply is cutting it fairly close especially if you plan on overclocking it later. The price of the 2500k is actually less in your country, the cheapest you can get it for here is around £160.


If your cousin has an ebay account you might want to have a look at some used 9 series i7s on ebay, they are still quick and you can get an i7 920 with an x58 motherboard and 6gb of ram for £250 which is much less than you would spend on a 2500k setup.


Hope this helps :thumbsup:

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hmm I know you are trying to help me save money. but we humans :P.


No i heard they were coming with a new processor. Ones which were delayed for October launch? Do you think if they come in October, that the price of 2500K will go down abit? I am trying to be strategic :P:evilgrin:.


You see, i can do with 1 stick of ram but HDD is important as i currently have a PATA disk. Still surely, if i see that the budget is way over the head after finalizing, then Blue it is.


lol i am really performance oriented. Mostly when i copy big files here and there, i like to see nice numbers. That is why i am preferring Black. But yes budget comes first.

Yeah those are the Bulldozer chips and they won't be out for a while.


Where would you be copying files from alot?? If it's from the IDE drive to the Blue then I don't see the Blue being the bottleneck ;)

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Sorry our exchange rate is so crap :P The best stores in the uk I've used are Ebuyer Scan and Dabs. Amd are in the uk?? Bulldozer (new amd cpus) hasn't been released anywhere yet and probably won't be available till at least august, you should be able to find am3 processors though.

Ram: Please don't get a single stick, it will be painfully slow. With the £16 you save on the hdd you could probably afford this kit.


OS: Definite say mly get 64bit windows 7, it hasn't been buggy for me at all and is much faster than 32 bit. I'd say most programs are compatible with 64 bit, I believe there is a 64 bit firefox but as there isn't currently a 64bit flash player you won't be able to do things like watch videos on it.


Cpu: Good choice :thumbsup:


Motherboard: I guess a h61 will be ok if it's temporary, getting a p67 later when you can afford it is a good idea.


I just had a look at the specs of your current pc, imo your power supply is cutting it fairly close especially if you plan on overclocking it later. The price of the 2500k is actually less in your country, the cheapest you can get it for here is around £160.


If your cousin has an ebay account you might want to have a look at some used 9 series i7s on ebay, they are still quick and you can get an i7 920 with an x58 motherboard and 6gb of ram for £250 which is much less than you would spend on a 2500k setup.


Hope this helps :thumbsup:


Cousin is an avid ebay user. But i am being really cautious gettign used stuff. If something bad turns out. I am screwed am i not? Dude this PSU is pretty good. What i am looking at now, its good enough for it. Max i will be pulling what? 300Watts?


and 32Bit it is then. Why cant i watch videos :mellow:? What is this? Why didn't Adobe made a 64Bit version?


I'll stick to the 32Bit because atm i am only going to get 1 stick of lets say max XMS3. No money. Please tell me the model of mobo. Which one is good?


Yeah those are the Bulldozer chips and they won't be out for a while.


Where would you be copying files from alot?? If it's from the IDE drive to the Blue then I don't see the Blue being the bottleneck ;)


No. Just plain copy rates.


No no, you guys get me wrong. I am not going to AMD side :P. Just asking that why aren't they out with the new processor? Isn't it true that if they do, Intel will slash prices?

Edited by Goth

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Dude this PSU is pretty good. What i am looking at now, its good enough for it. Max i will be pulling what? 300Watts?

Yeah it is a good psu to be fair, I guess you'll just have to try it and see if it runs ok.


and 32Bit it is then. Why cant i watch videos ? What is this? Why didn't Adobe made a 64Bit version?

Get 64 bit! You can still use 32 bit browsers and programs on 64 bit, I'm using a 32 bit browser right now. I don't know why they didn't make 64bit flash, probably not enough demand or something.


I'll stick to the 32Bit because atm i am only going to get 1 stick of lets say max XMS3. No money. Please tell me the model of mobo. Which one is good?

If your limited to 1 stick by your budget I would seriously consider getting a less powerful cpu to save money, you will loose a lot of performance from running single channel ram.


Cousin is an avid ebay user. But i am being really cautious gettign used stuff. If something bad turns out. I am screwed am i not?

If the item isn't as the seller described it you can appeal and will usually get your money back, but this can take a long time. To be honest though if the seller has a good rating its very unlikely that you'll get ripped off or anything.

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Yeah it is a good psu to be fair, I guess you'll just have to try it and see if it runs ok.



Get 64 bit! You can still use 32 bit browsers and programs on 64 bit, I'm using a 32 bit browser right now. I don't know why they didn't make 64bit flash, probably not enough demand or something.


If your limited to 1 stick by your budget I would seriously consider getting a less powerful cpu to save money, you will loose a lot of performance from running single channel ram.



If the item isn't as the seller described it you can appeal and will usually get your money back, but this can take a long time. To be honest though if the seller has a good rating its very unlikely that you'll get ripped off or anything.


Thanks man Really appreciate this.


So that means you are not able to watch videos? What do you do then? I am an amateur when it comes to 64Bit OS. I even read that the file structure is different too. Like they dont have folder named Program files? Do they?


hmm never knew 32Bit will work on 64Bit. anyone confirm this please?


Man, i dont think the performance drop would be huge. Yes i can get 2 Corsair Value rams, but if i go to XMS or Vengeance way, i would need to buy only 1 atm. 1 4gB i guess. So that's why i am going to copy my current Windows Installation to the new HDD. When I'll get one more stick, then it will be 64Bit.


Which motherboard GUYS!? Forward me to a guide or review if you know one. and i am open to buy a p67 board, used, if its price is same as new h61 or h67 board.

Edited by Goth

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Thanks man Really appreciate this.


So that means you are not able to watch videos? What do you do then? I am an amateur when it comes to 64Bit OS. I even read that the file structure is different too. Like they dont have folder named Program files? Do they?


hmm never knew 32Bit will work on 64Bit. anyone confirm this please?


Man, i dont think the performance drop would be huge. Yes i can get 2 Corsair Value rams, but if i go to XMS or Vengeance way, i would need to buy only 1 atm. 1 4gB i guess. So that's why i am going to copy my current Windows Installation to the new HDD. When I'll get one more stick, then it will be 64Bit.


Which motherboard GUYS!? Forward me to a guide or review if you know one. and i am open to buy a p67 board, used, if its price is same as new h61 or h67 board.

You can watch videos, everything works perfect in 64bit Win7....


Get two Value sticks then, you're getting the same thing just without heatsinks which aren't needed unless you're pushing them higher than the stock specs, which you will never need to.


Are you buying from ebay or one of the previously mentioned e-tailers?? Knowing that will help me scope you the best board for the $$

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