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Possible upgrade?

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I have a XION Predator case that I'm told is made to handle watercooling. My processor still has the stock heat sink and fan which is getting really loud. Yes, I know, I need something new, and there are tons of fans out there that are quiet, but I want to switch to watercooling.


My question is should I go ahead and get a kit for the case that I have or buy a new case that comes with a watercooling system.

The case I'm looking at for a new one is this:




I've also seen several watercooling kits out there that I'm looking at. Question mainly is, in the long run, should I stick with the case I have and get a kit or get a case with watercooling already in it?

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From the cost, customization and performance standpoint there isn't any way that I can recommend buying a case with water cooling already in it.


Take your current case and water cool it. There are so many awesome options these days - so much better than the first time I built a water cooling loop.


p.s. welcome to OCC!

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Haha, thanks! Hope to be contributing more than asking about stuff soon.


That does sound like a cheaper route. Was more curious on what the cases that came with the water systems had over what I have. Thanks!

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Not saying don't do it but I was just wondering why you want to go with water cooling? Amd's run very cool and you could easily take that phenom to its overclocking limits with a $30 coolermaster hyper 212+, and I doubt your 4670 would run anywhere near hot enough to need much extra cooling. With how much it would cost to set up a loop you could probably get a decent air cooler and a graphics upgrade. I don't think that water cooling is bad, I just don't think its the best upgrade for you imo.

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