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So I have 4 Panaflo's with the 7v(since they are way too loud without it) on my Black Ice GTX 240 radiator and I want to replace them next time I clean my watercooling(around November). On my Swiftech MCR220 I have 4 stock Lian Li fans which need to be replaced, they just aren't the best for cooling. I also need new fans for the case, I currently have a 140mm Noctua fan and another panaflo at the rear, while a 120mm Noctua fan is pulling in the front(Harddrive cage, this one is fine though)

Here is how the radiators are set up and how the airflow is in my case. In the front, the drive bays of my CM 810, is the GTX 240 radiator pulling in air(Push pull config with 4 fans). At the top(Made some cuts to fit the radiator) is the MCR220 pulling air out(again push pull). At the back of my case are 2 fans pulling in air. I might add an 80mm fan to the side panel to blow air on the GPU since that is dumping a lot of hot air on my resevoir. Now if this is a bad setup then please advise something else(The radiator in the front of the case has to stay, no where else to go).


So I need 4 fans for my GTX 240(A thicker radiator if you do not know it), 4 fans for my MCR220(a thinner radiator) and 2 fans for the rear of my case.


I don't want this to be extremely loud, but it doesn't have to be really silent either. Must be less than 40dBA(The panaflos on regular were that loud and I could often hear them through my headset)

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THis fan If you want performance at resonable noise levels. (relative term of course)


This one If you want Middle of the road (again a relative term)


Something like this one If you do not wish to hear a thing. (if you can its because you must not be human)


And also what kind of case is this That you are putting these fans in?

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Its a Coolermaster Stacker 810. I have some UN brackets so the fat radiator(GTX 240) sits in the drive bays. There is also room for a triple radiator at the top of the case(cut out by my brother) but I only have a dual Radiator so that goes there. 2 regular 120mm fans or the noctua 140mm with the 120 mm mounting can fit back there.


The thing is, I don't find those Noctuas that amazing to be honest. For the price I find them quite expensive. I asked for each radiator since I heard thinner rads need different fans compared to thicker ones. As for the case, I am gonna get these 18 dBA and 90CFM!


I'll be on the lookout for Gentle Typhoons, but they are rarely in stock so an alternative would be great!

Edited by Krieg1337

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