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OC CPU and OC RAM Question

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Hello all,


I just OC-ed my i7 950 to 3.7ghz successfully I believe; I am almost finished stress testing it with OCCT v3.1.0. I followed a guide from someone who has the same CPU and MB but I ignored the parts that OC-ed the RAM. Is this ok to do? I am using this memory which I believe cannot be OC-ed? Memory (G.SKILL 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333)


Thanks with any advice you can give me.



Edited by Monkson

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do you have cpu-z... if not download it and see what your memory is running at. You do not have to OC the ram much but you will move its clock from stock if you increase the b clk. You can use the ram dividers to limit the clock frequency of the ram but when you have a 1366 I7 you have no choice but to overclock or slightly underclock the ram to get your disired chip speed. If you want after you get the chip stable then use your ram frequency divider to raise the ram frequency. Set your timings in the BIOS to 9-9-9-24 and command rate 1, set voltage to 1.60v and move the ram closer to 1600mhz using the divider. After you have moved it then run your stability test on occt linpak And see what happens.. you may have to raise your QPI above 1.35v to do this and that is not to bad. After that you can try to get it in the 1800 - 1900 range but you have to tweak it so much its not worth it In my mind. Others then that you do not HAVE to mess with it. Just be mindful that the further you oc the i7 the lower the divider will need to be and it may require you to of it slightly.


Good luck with the oc. Get it to 4ghz and enjoy.

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Thanks for the response and the help boinker. I have included screenies of my memory info and is this what you are looking for? And if i stay around the 3.7ghz speed for now, I just need to get the ram to 1600mhz?



Edited by Monkson

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You dont have to shoot for 1600Mhz. just move the ram Frequency up one notch then run a stabilty test. If it passes then do the same thing until you have reached a point where it is unstable or you just don't feel the need to push it any further. Bare in mind you may have to adjust your timings, QPI/Dram core voltage, Dram voltage, uncore and possibly the channel reference but I would only use that as A last resort.


Here is the guide I used when I first started out. Very comprehensive and extremely thorough. I7 overclockers guide

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Right now your ram is at 966MHz according to CPUz so it is downclocked from the 1333MHz standard clocks.

There is usually a setting in bios called DRAM speed/ddr3 frequency/memory multiplyer, this right now should be set to 667/Baseclock*3

increasing this to 800/baseclock*4 would yield a ram speed of 1287MHz which should work, or you could try 1066/bclck*5 for 1608MHz ram (but this might not be stable)

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