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Is it just me or does Crysis Warhead not even look that good? I was just in the first level and turned everything to Enthusiast and honestly a lot of it looked like crap. Maybe the BF3 beta is just that much more amazing.

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Is it just me or does Crysis Warhead not even look that good? I was just in the first level and turned everything to Enthusiast and honestly a lot of it looked like crap. Maybe the BF3 beta is just that much more amazing.


It's been a little while since I've played, but I played Crysis and Crysis Warhead in succession and I don't recall much graphical disparity between the two.

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Awesome just picked up Crysis and Crysis Warhead. My brother has Crysis 1 on disk, but for $10 why not just get both on Steam :)


Ya I have them on disk's too but $10 is hard to say no to for them to be on Steam :)


My Steam game list is starting to get very long :biggrin:

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Awesome just picked up Crysis and Crysis Warhead. My brother has Crysis 1 on disk, but for $10 why not just get both on Steam :)

Same here, I have Crysis Warhead on disc but for another $2.50 it's totally worth it to have it on Steam as well.

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