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Any need for OC if I only intend to game?

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Ruk how did you overclock go, what blck/multi and what sort of voltages??


Blend test is to test the overall stability of your system as in CPU, memory and motherboard.

If your using prime95 and want to stress you CPU which is the core of your overclock, run small fft's test. I guarantee you'll see higher temps. Either way if your blend test is running ok so far should be fine. Small ftt's is similar too intel burn test as it will really stress the CPU quickly too see if it's stable.


What games do you play anyway?


I'm in class right now, but when I get back home I'll post a screenshot of my results. So far the voltage didn't stray past 1.08-1.1


In terms of games I usually have a healthy dose of Dragon Age 2, Crysis and some Assassins' Creed 2. I think I just need to upgrade my GPU.

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I'm surprised noone noticed the fact that he is running an HD 3850 video card.


If gaming is your desire OP then you need to either get a new GPU before you worry about OverClocking or trade someone your i5 setup for a C2D or C2Q setup and a card with more balls. You're talking about sub 9600GT speeds and I'm 100% sure my Q6600 @ 3ghz with my 1gb GTS 250 will curb stomp your rig at pretty much any game at any res.


Get a new GPU before you start worrying about OverClocking because no OverClocking is going to help that HD 3850 get any better FPS in any games in the last 2 - 3 years.

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I want to know more about the overclock! What multi and blck did you set and get a stable setting???


Always exciting with your first major ovErclock! Hope it went well! I'm on the cans so everything Is going well tonight

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