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Crossfire or Single card?

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Technically anything post 2xxx series scales identically. :)


i had 2x 6950 both died

free upgrade to 6970 from novatech x fire ofc :) they died....

another 2 6970 drivers failed to install all on x58 sabretooth board maybe was spacing issues they do run very close together in there :)


but like i said before 60fps is all ya need and a gtx 580 will deliver that on 99.9% of games maxed i just chose the less problematic way also crysis 2 is riddles with issues in both sli and x fire so there not dead. windows mode was the only way i could play crysis 2 without immense stutter and flashing or disabling 1 card

and bad company 2 xfire issues there is alot of games out there and there always will be games just dont get made for multi gpu they get made to work then they fix multi gpu eventually :) atm crysis 2 still needs a fix dont get me wrong there is some games that sli and xfire work instantly great in like batman dark asylum but i am impatient and if a game comes out ive been waiting for i want to play it ie skyrim i would never wait for a multi gpu patch like ive had to crysis 2

Edited by kowon

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i had 2x 6950 both died

free upgrade to 6970 from novatech x fire ofc :) they died....

another 2 6970 drivers failed to install all on x58 sabretooth board maybe was spacing issues they do run very close together in there :)


but like i said before 60fps is all ya need and a gtx 580 will deliver that on 99.9% of games maxed i just chose the less problematic way also crysis 2 is riddles with issues in both sli and x fire so there not dead. windows mode was the only way i could play crysis 2 without immense stutter and flashing or disabling 1 card

and bad company 2 xfire issues there is alot of games out there and there always will be games just dont get made for multi gpu they get made to work then they fix multi gpu eventually :) atm crysis 2 still needs a fix dont get me wrong there is some games that sli and xfire work instantly great in like batman dark asylum but i am impatient and if a game comes out ive been waiting for i want to play it ie skyrim i would never wait for a multi gpu patch like ive had to crysis 2

Dying cards has nothing to do with crossfire. With that many failures in a row you are either doing something wrong during OCing or your PSU is frying them.


BTW my crossfire 6870s play Crysis 2 flawlessly, no stuttering or flickering. I've been running crossfire setups since they needed an external dongle to work, and have only had maybe one issue worth mentioning - and it was due to my overclocking settings (second fan would ignore my profiles and stick on idle speeds and cause the card to overheat with my dual X1900XTs. BIOS mod fixed that up though.).

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It is so hard to choose because, some games screw up with CF and some tend to work :(

Name one game that doesn't work with Crossfire. :whistling:

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While Crossfire can deliver a great boost for a low cost my personal preference is always a bigger single card over a corssfired pair. Crossfire and SLI are a bit of hit and miss, true they are hitting more recently but still miss often as well. What I mean is some software does not ebenfit as much or even at all from corssfire as others. With that in mind you might also consider that at most single monitor resolutions, 1080 or less, there are great single card solutions that easily give an outstanding gaming experience for reasonable pricing.

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crysis 2, patch already released

Crysis 2 will run on a single 4870...so even a near 3-generation old card can run it with ease. :lol:

Edited by Waco

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Crysis 2 will run on a single 4870...so even a near 3-generation old card can run it with ease. :lol:

no. i meant there were some issues with two cards but now they are resolved by a patch, the 6850 can handle it at ease at hardcore at 42FPS not bad :biggrin:

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