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Weird issue overclocking my GTX570.

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haha that's actually why I tried a few different tests to load the GPU because I noticed Kombustor was only using 80% of the GPU. I wish it would still load it to max. If I try to go to 990 on the core it does lock up though, so it is fairly accurate in that it let me discover where the limit was on stock voltage.


I currently have the fan set to 75% speed and it's tolerable with the other PCs in the room, but any higher and if I lived alone I could see it being annoying. I have had similar luck with the memory. I started by increasing each clock by 10MHz and stressing it for a half hour to an hour. So far, I am at 970/1470, but I think the memory can go higher. I was just increasing them by the same increment because I'm not at the absolute limit and can increase voltages still. I will fine tune the clocks once I am done though lol


I'm just hoping I can figure out my CPU OC in time for benching this weekend. I have had a hell of a week this week :(


I saw someone else with an issue with an unstable OC that was previously stable, and I think they had the setting in afterburner to keep the voltage constant unchecked. Forgot what it's called though but might be worth looking at?



Yeah i could see how there being other computers in the room could make the fan less noticeable. Was just gonna say I use Unigine Heaven for testing now, but Capi beat me to it, so ill just leave it at that i guess. Glad to see your getting a good OC off that 6970! What kind of temps are you getting at those speeds?


I wouldnt worry TOO much about the CPU OC, its not gonna play as big a roll in the scores as we are particularly looking at graphics scores. It would be nice to see what you can get that bad boy up to though!


Someone else in this tread said to check that constant voltage thing too, i havent gotten a chance yet because i didnt get to use my computer at all yesterday.


I use Unigine Heaven for stability testing now. It takes a bit longer, but no throttling issues.


This stupid.gif

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Nice, I'll start using Heaven then to stress test. So far my temps haven't gone above 69C with the fan set to 75%. I'm comfortable going up to about 80C before I adjust the fan speed again. So far, this card has been a dream. It's just like moving sliders and watching fun videos lol


My main concern with having a low CPU OC would be more bottlenecking of the 6970 than at stock. Hopefully I can get to 4.0GHz, but time might leave me short of that goal :P

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