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My Brother receives 2nd Full Face Transplant in US


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o_o I think I need to officially dub you Superman. How on Earth did you survive those conditions? I mean thank goodness you did, but that's just one of the most extreme things I've ever heard :wacko:

Please, please, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that for electricity to kill you, it has to go through either your heart or your brain, although it could be any major organ. Of course, I could be remembering wrong and there could be many other factors.

In any case, awesome fifth, and I'm glad to hear you're okay from the accident (who thinks miracles don't happen) and are recovering from your recent surgery.


Electrical specialists say .5 amps can kill a man and it only takes 500-1200 volts to kill a man in the electric chair. I was on the line close to 5 minutes. The electricity had entered my left leg and the majority of it exited my face. When I was finally pulled off the line they said the bones in my face were glowing red! Ironically I flat lined twice on the way to the hospital and they used the shock paddles to shock me back to life lol.

Ironic indeed!

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Please, please, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that for electricity to kill you, it has to go through either your heart or your brain, although it could be any major organ. Of course, I could be remembering wrong and there could be many other factors.

In any case, awesome fifth, and I'm glad to hear you're okay from the accident (who thinks miracles don't happen) and are recovering from your recent surgery.



Ironic indeed!


It did enter my left leg, exited my face and right hand, so it did travel through most of my body. I do have a blow out spot almost right above my heart, as well as down my left arm but, I have no idea if it actually went through my heart and or brain though. My family was told that if I did survive that I would be either deaf, blind, dumb or all 3. Which as you can see I'm not any of those.


Thanks everyone for the support and kind words. I will continue to keep everyone updated on the recovery process. In the mean time does anyone know how to OC the cpu on an Asus g73sw laptop, or at least keep it at the turbo boost setting of 2.9.ghz. Can't do it through bios as there aren't any overclocking options.

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I watched the News Video of that. Man Im sorry for your brother but respect his courage and his spirit in life. He will need your support now and forever man. Pretty touching.

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looks like some of the swelling has gone down more but it looks a lil droopy around his eyes is that ever going to be addressed or should it tighten up over time but I bet he is glad to be home :thumbsup:

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