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Firefox 4 Massive Mem Leaks?


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ok so I recently upgraded my gpu and formatted my pc etc. etc. So I have a clean computer and all that. As usual one of the first few things to be installed was my cpu/mem/hdd moniters and firefox however upon installing the new firefox 4 (which I was using fine before the format but it may have been a different build, the installers all say 4 on it) the browser leaks like all hell.


FF4 starts at about 90-100 mb's then after about 10-30 seconds it starts to lock up until it completely freezes all this time ramping up in ram size, culminating in the entire usage of my free memory, usually about 2.4 gb/s.


So what the hell is going on here and how do I fix it, I have re-downloaded it many a times and checked em so its not that either.

nothing else has changed on my system and yes I have checked around the net and the closest thing I have found is a guy saying his ff ram usage goes up about 1mb ever 7 seconds but I believe he was using a ff3 version.


Thanks so much in advance I miss my firefox extensions, chrome just doesn't cut it as a dev.

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the reformat was cause I hadn't done one in awhile and it was a bit of a mess for awhile and I do believe all the drivers are in and working but what driver in particular would cause this error cause I could try find an alternate version or an older one?

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so far so good it seems to be working thanks so much guys, for the record it seems disabling hardware acceleration in FF4 seemed to fix it. I would love to hear from anyone why knows why and how I can fix it so I may re-enable this option please.


if the problem persists i will update, but thank you all for very swift responses.

Edited by Nekroze

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sorry for tripple post. however the problem persists however is delayed in a manor.


Disabling hardware acceleration seems to have fixed it at first however it just made it so I could change page (initialy it worked fine on the homepage but the moment i changed the leak started) but now i can change pages like 5-10 times before it starts to leak and it seems to leak slower know i am not sure if this is due to the actual hardware acceleration being turned off or the more clean re-install but it is painfully annoying.


Back to the drivers problems then? what driver could possibly cause this kind of thing to happen?

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something is wrong with your computer

I doubt this.


OP - it sounds like either your video card driver or Firefox just aren't doing something properly together. Try a newer (or older, if you have the newest) video card driver and see if the situation improves.

Edited by Waco

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