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Are these temps good?


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Just put together a new system, look at my sig for specs. Anyways, at stock speeds I was idling at 23-24C. I transported the system to a friend's house and back and now my system is idling at 27-29C with one core at 23-24C. Using the H70 and I'm at stock speeds/volts. I'm probably just paranoid, but do these temps look reasonable for the H70 at stock speeds/volts? I used the arctic silver mx4 TIM and applied it using the pea-sized drop in the center.

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Those temps look perfect. My i7 720QM sits at around 50 idle and 65 - 70 load. So you should be pretty happy with that. If temps start going crazy like into the 70's and suck then maybe start to take it easy.

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Yeah those temps are fine :) It's perfectly normal to have some cores hotter than others.

I would download Prime95 and see how high the load temps are after a few mins of testing to make sure there is no issue.


+1 to this.

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Yea, as these guys said those are fine! I have an H50 first gen on my 955 at 3.8 and it idles at 31C some days, up to 38C other days. The room temp has a lot to do with it, and it fluctuates a lot in my dorm! When i brought it home last weekend and opened the windows in my basement (50F outside) the temps dropped down to around 24 idle. In other words, it was probly just the different ambient conditions that made the higher idle temps :thumbsup:

Edited by Shadow_Foxx

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