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New CPU cooler

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Hi Guys


just ordered the Gigabyte G Power Pro 2 as i got it at a very very good price and it will arrive tomorrow.


i have seen the someone ask the same question before but cant find the topic.


what would be the best way to apply thermal paste on the cpu in my sig?


once i installed it will run Prime95 for a few hours to settle the thermal paste



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Excellent guide Alexandra. Even I learned somthing there. I Think instead of reseating my HSF im going to let it burn in for a while longer.


I tend to use the method of the oversized grain of rice but its not perfect nor is it consitant. Next time I do a clean and remount im definatly going to try this out. :D



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Works well for the i5 and i7 processors. I've been using that method exclusively for a while now. Results are excellent and several dismounts after testing this method in the beginning showed a great footprint of TIM.

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