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Overclocking Core 2 Quad


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The way MSI BIOS's Display voltages is very strange; that's actually the vid PLUS that voltage, so my actual CPU voltage is 1.3375

oh I've seen that before but usually it'd be beside the normal voltage with a + or -, what of the memory?? Is that a number you type in, or pick out of a list of maybe 4-5 different speeds?

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Yeah the MSI wording can get a bit confising sometimes. Anyway, I dropped my speed back down to 400x8 (3.2ghz) and increased the Terminator (somewhere in the 2.2v range, dont quite remember), and reduced my memory voltage to 2.0v. Running pretty stable right now, took quite a while for a core to fail in prime95, and even after it did the last three kept running until I stopped the op a while later. I started messing with the NB again, but any time I increased it to 1.4v or above (in the red, but "safe") I got BSODs all over the place. I was wondering if I should try upping the Memory terminator voltage or maybe the fsb terminator a bit more. Remember, I'm trying for 3.6. Something I haven't mentioned is that my temps are great; never get above 50 Degrees Celsius. Any idea where I should go from here?

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Based on the errors I'm getting (mainly "paged_fault_in_non-paged_area" And "memory_management" BSODs), I think. just have really really unstable RAM. Right now I've got my computer running in safe mode @ 3.6ghz (450x8 and 800). I set my RAM to [email protected] and upped my SB, Memory Terminator and FSB Terminator voltages, and now I can at least boot and reply. I think all I need to do is get my memory stable and with some luck and some more help from you guys I'll be good to go.

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I have a Q9450 @ 3.6GHz on a EVGA 780i board with a EVGA GTX 570 too. It was pretty frustrating to overclock, but I can say now that I have a safe 24/7 stable 3.6GHz overclock. Here are my specs, maybe it will help you:


CPU: 1.425v (BIOS) CPU-Z reads 1.376v

RAM: 2.1v

FSB: 1.4v

SPP: 1.45v

MCP: 1.525v

HT: 1.3v


After a lot of research I found out that our 780i boards weren't really made for the 45nm cpu because their GTLREF lanes can't go negative like this chip likes. I found luck however, by setting my GTLREF lanes to 0mv. Passed 21 hours in prime95 small FFTs. Also passed large FFTs and Blend for around 10 hours. Haven't had any problems with it. Cooling is a H70, idles around 38-39C and under load it is 58C.


I'm using this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231246 for RAM and it was really nice for my overclock.


I wanted to get this to 3.8-4.0GHz, but I've given up and will just buy a new cpu, mb, and ram when the pci-e 3.0 boards come out at the end of this year/beginning of next.

Edited by Asinorum

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I have a Q9450 @ 3.6GHz on a EVGA 780i board with a EVGA GTX 570 too. It was pretty frustrating to overclock, but I can say now that I have a safe 24/7 stable 3.6GHz overclock. Here are my specs, maybe it will help you:


CPU: 1.425v (BIOS) CPU-Z reads 1.376v

RAM: 2.1v

FSB: 1.4v

SPP: 1.45v

MCP: 1.525v

HT: 1.3v


After a lot of research I found out that our 780i boards weren't really made for the 45nm cpu because their GTLREF lanes can't go negative like this chip likes. I found luck however, by setting my GTLREF lanes to 0mv. Passed 21 hours in prime95 small FFTs. Also passed large FFTs and Blend for around 10 hours. Haven't had any problems with it. Cooling is a H70, idles around 38-39C and under load it is 58C.


I'm using this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231246 for RAM and it was really nice for my overclock.


I wanted to get this to 3.8-4.0GHz, but I've given up and will just buy a new cpu, mb, and ram when the pci-e 3.0 boards come out at the end of this year/beginning of next.

Wow that's an awesome find, I wonder how someone figured something like that out though :blink:

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