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Dead motherboard?

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So you may or may not recall my old-old issue of my spare motherboard (Gigabyte GA-G41M-ES2) which mysteriously stopped working one day a few months ago.


Well today, I was disassembling my main rig in preparation to return my ECO ALC (rma) when I figured what the heck, I might as well put the old gigabyte board in and see if I can get it to work.


The problem:

When I press the power button, the fans all start to spin for maybe half a second, and then everything goes dead. Most of my fans don't even rev up to full speed before it shuts off.


Things I have tested...

RAM: Removing a stick of memory, switching that stick of memory, changing slots with that stick of memory.

HDD: I've tried several, but it is definitely not an HDD problem since I don't have one plugged in right now and it doesn't even go to POST.

PSU: I've tried 3 different power supplies. No dice.

VGA: On-board, 8800GS, 8400GS, GTS 460, ATI 4870 - No dice.


I've plugged in and unplugged various things to see if they may be the problem. I've done everything short of taking out the CPU and putting another one in, but I'm not sure if I want to do that...


With the 4-pin CPU power unplugged, same results.


When I plugged in my CMOS speaker (to listen for beeps) no beeps, but if I hold the speaker up to my ear when I power it on I can hear like a faint static, as if the speaker is getting power, but no tone.


Any help is appreciated.

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Have you tried resetting CMOS and replacing the CMOS battery?

Resetting yes...well...I tried at least.


Replacing CMOS no, I don't happen to have a spare lying around...


Unless I do...? Maybe....I'll have to look for one lol.

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OK now THIS is strange...


When I put a jumper on the Clear CMOS, the computer won't start. BUT, if I put it on WHILE trying to start the computer, the computer starts to boot up as it normally would but I have a blank screen and no POST.


I'm not sure if this is good or bad...

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Maybe you have a short somewhere?

Nah, I tried my hardest to mount it right. I've actually tried it mounted twice, and even tried it unmounted (without a case, that is.)


Same thing each time.


Do you think maybe some solder came loose/melted and is causing a short in that way?

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Possibly, but not likely. The best thing to do is maybe pull your motherboard out and inspect the front and back. Too bad they don't have any tech manuals for motherboards, it's pretty easy to check if the components are in good working order if you have a voltmeter.

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Upon further inspection, nothing out of the ordinary was found.


Scoured the whole board, found nothing but a bit of sticky residue on the back (probably a sticker that got peeled off.)


The board says "Dual BIOS" does that mean that if it were the bios, the backup would fix it?


If the main bios died, is there a way you think I could set it to boot with the backup?


I'm gonna go read up on it on their website...hopefully.

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On topic: I've looked over their site and they have lacking documentation at best. I read that the bios revision F1 supports a vast number of CPUs, but that the one I have in there isn't supported until revision F4 or later...I never flashed the BIOS so IDK what revision it's on.


I might try putting my Q6600 in to see if it'll boot up with it. Maybe the primary bios died and the secondary won't boot up because it has an older revision?

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