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New gtx 460 artifacting.

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Alright guys well I have been gettings artifacting lately on my galaxy gtx460 1gb. It is only a couple weeks old and this bothering me. I am running a 8800gts, and gt240 along with it. Right now at factory settings the card is registering 93C under load from gpu-z. I'm assuming something is seriously wrong with the heatsink or something and I should RMA it? The gt240 and it are quite close together but the fan still gets decent airflow... I am at a loss here as to how a new card can have these issues.


Edit. I put all 3 gpu's under load and the 460 is up to 99C

Edited by usaweapon777

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Alright guys well I have been gettings artifacting lately on my galaxy gtx460 1gb. It is only a couple weeks old and this bothering me. I am running a 8800gts, and gt240 along with it. Right now at factory settings the card is registering 93C under load from gpu-z. I'm assuming something is seriously wrong with the heatsink or something and I should RMA it? The gt240 and it are quite close together but the fan still gets decent airflow... I am at a loss here as to how a new card can have these issues.


Edit. I put all 3 gpu's under load and the 460 is up to 97C


maybe running 3 different series at once has something to do with it lol

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Both the 460 and 240 look like they are running hot. The only card that doesn't is the 8800! Is is a coincidence that that happens to be the bottom card? Porbably not ;) Here is what I would do - take the 240 and 8800 out and see what temps the 460 runs by itself, if it were me I would probably do the same with the GT 240! If the the 460 is still running anywhere near those temps, then I would say it is time for an RMA. I have 2 GTX 460's in SLI and even when I am benching like crazy, my top card barely hits 60C! But you have 2 cards under the 460, and heat rises. Test the 460 alone and post some temps, that is really the only way to know if the card is running hot :cheers:

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Both the 460 and 240 look like they are running hot. The only card that doesn't is the 8800! Is is a coincidence that that happens to be the bottom card? Porbably not ;) Here is what I would do - take the 240 and 8800 out and see what temps the 460 runs by itself, if it were me I would probably do the same with the GT 240! If the the 460 is still running anywhere near those temps, then I would say it is time for an RMA. I have 2 GTX 460's in SLI and even when I am benching like crazy, my top card barely hits 60C! But you have 2 cards under the 460, and heat rises. Test the 460 alone and post some temps, that is really the only way to know if the card is running hot :cheers:



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well with just the gtx460 my load temp is at 73. If you have 2 in sli and there no where near that hot I assume mines got issues?


What are your ambient temps? 73C load is that Kombuster? If you like I will run it and see what I get. But 73C load temps on the 460 seems very high, unless your ambient temps are high righ now as well.

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ambient is 70f. It doesn't matter its artifacting right now I have green lines all over the screen even without the other cards in the case. At this point I'm pretty much forced to RMA. Lol I love how galaxy says they have 24/7 support. I call and it just gives me an answer machine.....

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ambient is 70f. It doesn't matter its artifacting right now I have green lines all over the screen even without the other cards in the case. At this point I'm pretty much forced to RMA. Lol I love how galaxy says they have 24/7 support. I call and it just gives me an answer machine.....


LoL, 24/7 support.....Of course they forgot to mention M-F ;)

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