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What are these called?


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Pretty neat. However I prefer the rifle with a bayonet near my computer. Though depending on how easy it seperates it would work good if you just needed something really quick and didn't have time to reload. Though there again is the bayonet lol

Edited by usaweapon777

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But there is nothing like waking up the whole neighborhood/apartment complex with the crack of a rifle or shotgun! :lol:


No problem on what it is l33t, I need to lay off Gizmodo if I knew exactly what that was as soon as the picture loaded..

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Gun permits are PITA to get here, to say the least. And anyways, I have the common courtesy to not wake up the neighbors if someone were to break in to my house. :lol:


Well there you have a good point. Where I live I can be in an out a gun store in 10 minutes with a new assault rifle. We like our guns in rural PA

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That I believe is the fabled bat chair intruder WTF defense weapons system. Highly affective at confusing, impressing, and beating someone senseless at the same time. I think I am going to make one of these some time actually. Just for fun and to maybe hurt people with...


Where I live in Minnesota there are 2 gas stations that sell guns, pistols, shotguns the occasional AK 47 or SKS. I don't know Walmart has a decent cheap gun selection lol. Any Pawn shop is full of guns. Yeah, you can get guns anywhere.


Their is a place near my home which carries an advertised 1.5 million dollars in guns and ammo all the time O.o, that store is like heaven...

Edited by gabrieltessin

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