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amd or intel but WHY ???


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I built my first rig with amd. Definately a little easier to the newbie with unlocked multipliers(only intel chips with multipliers then were VERY expensive) and easier to attach coolers lol. On a serious note almost all rigs I build for friends or family run amd. The price cannot be beaten and short of me, one friend, and this forum I know no one who needs so much power that an amd rig could not handle. However after getting used to building pc's and what not having one that blows the socks off of everything else and boots windows in under a minute is very nice and being able to overclock the living daylights out of sandy bridge is even better. Amd and Intel are both good just one is more focused on the budget guy.

Edited by usaweapon777

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I bought my most recent AMD rig for less than a lot of Intel processors cost. I spent the rest of my money on hookers and blow.


DAmnit... Had i thought of this i would have went AMD too! Cant believe i got an i7 over a hooker...

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i5 even at its lower price point then the i7 still out performs anything AMD offers including the X6 for roughly the same price. i5-2500k 224.99 and the X6 is what 222.99? I'm not trying ot hate on AMD but for about the same price i'd take a i5 2500k system anyday over any X6 . for $100 more I can have an i7. AMD Video Cards on the otherhand iz the buisness!

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