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question on work unit size


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Hey guys, its been a while since I last folded but with winter coming on I don't see a reason why not to run my rigs to keep warm and fold at the same time. I hooked up the gpu client and the smp client to a rig with an e6300 and a radeon 4670. I know these are far from high point producers but man do the seem slow. Last time I did folding it seemed to complete a gpu work unit in under a day. Now its been running overnight and I am only at 2100/10000. The gpu is registering high usage. Have the work units just become much larger as of late?

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What flags are you running?

I dont know about size increase as i have not been folding that long but i do know my quad takes about a day per WU. Thats 8 threads at 100% usage with the CPU clocked @ 2.8. So if a dual core was doing the same thing id be worried. :teehee:

The WU's may be bigger or just designed to take better advantage of newer systems?

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i read a while back that big WU work good on ATi and Small for Nvidia. Based on Ati has the ring-bus system and takes the same amount of time for big or small calculations were as nvidia has mini cores that can only handle small chunks of data so smaller = better and more productive.


i duno if this is still true because i was reading this for when the 4xxx came out and the 8800 Ultra was the fastest on the market.

Edited by hornybluecow

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Thanks for the info guys. I don't know it seems to be doing much better now around a wu or two per day on the 4670. However I believe i'm not going to run the smp anymore. It seems to slow down the gpu which makes sense since that alone is taking 50-60 percent of my cpu. I really ought to get the overclock back on this rig. I know this should run over 3.0ghz if i take enough time to mess with it. Man i wish i had a nvidia card lol. My 4870's barely make much points let alone this 4670. At least my room stays warm :)

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