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OCCT Power Supply Test


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Can I run the OCCT power supply test on my system safely?


Core i7 860 3.56 Ghz with 1.275V


Sapphire HD 5770

Corsair XMS3 2x2GB 1368Mhz 8-9-9-23 at 1.65V

Seagate 1TB 7200.12


Samsung DVD Writer

Corsair VX450

CoolerMaster Hyper N520


CPU Temperature - 38 idle/60full load (Core temperature ~ 78)

Motherboard Temperature - 38 idle/45 full load

GPU temperature - 57 idle/70 full load


My ambient room temperature is 40. Yes, it is.


I have passed Prime95 at 4 hours, and CPU:OCCT at 1 hour.


My question is, can I run OCCT:Power Supply on my system? I've read that it could kill my PSU.

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Okay. Thanks for answering that question Paul. Another query. Can I keep the fanspeed on my HD5770 at 90%? It runs a little hot due to the climate here. Is it safe to keep it running at that speed? Will the fan get damaged or wear out soon at 90%? Im okay with the fan sound.

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Just a little update.


I still haven't been able to make myself take the OCCT test. I might do it later for 10-15 minutes.

Right now, I'm running Prime95+Furmark+copying large files from HDD for 5 hours now. Everything seems to be running stable. For my location, temperatures are amazing, and you could make an omelet in here. All four cores are at 78 degrees C. GPU is at 95 C, with 90% fanspeed, both HDDs are running at 50 C and my room temperature is 43 C. :)

Will run the tests till possible.

Edited by n0b0dy

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ATI Sapphire HD 5770 1GB GDDR5. I think its a non-reference card. I've already underclocked it to 750/1000 from 850/1200. I cannot undervolt it in MSI afterburner even after enabling those options. Is there anything I can do to decrease the temperatures further. The cooling is stock. Its a clean card, no dust. Should I install a cabinet side fan? Even I'm concerned about the temperatures. Right now it's at 96 degrees celsius.


Furmark has been running constantly for 7.5 hours now.

Edited by n0b0dy

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Well 43 degree Celsius is about 110 degrees farenheight, for that I do not envy your climate. What case are you using? You may need more airflow as your room is hot to begin with and it is much harder to cool things off with hot air.


The more warm air you can get out of the case and cool air in the better.

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Give us the links to a couple online computer stores that ship to you. I see you are in India so I am not sure which stores are good and which are bad. We can give you a hand picking things out.


Cooler Master 120mm Fan They are around $10usd / Rs.450 which is what they cost here in the states.

Not sure what your budget is for fans but they might do the trick :D

Edited by gabrieltessin

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ATI Sapphire HD 5770 1GB GDDR5. I think its a non-reference card. I've already underclocked it to 750/1000 from 850/1200. I cannot undervolt it in MSI afterburner even after enabling those options. Is there anything I can do to decrease the temperatures further. The cooling is stock. Its a clean card, no dust. Should I install a cabinet side fan? Even I'm concerned about the temperatures. Right now it's at 96 degrees celsius.


Furmark has been running constantly for 7.5 hours now.

As long as the core stays under 110 C don't worry about it - I certainly wouldn't underclock it.

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As long as the core stays under 110 C don't worry about it - I certainly wouldn't underclock it.

I agree, but that still seems excessively hot. Our 4870x2s dont even run that high (remember mine ran 85C but that's filled with dust)

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I agree, but that still seems excessively hot. Our 4870x2s dont even run that high (remember mine ran 85C but that's filled with dust)

I wish mine ran that cool - mine ran 90-100 or so gaming (Furmark brought it well over 100). I didn't worry about it one bit.


Of course - mine never breaks 45 C now. :lol:

Edited by Waco

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