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Watercooling Completed


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so i finally have a leak free rig (sort of) and the temps are in. was it worth it? yes and no, mainly no because i would have rather sold the video cards and bought a Quadro but the 285 is still (glare >>> Nvidia) nicely supported for Adobe CS5. It all mainly started because the Ladybird GTX 285 would not keep the temps down (hit 105c and throttled down) for Furmarks and than started to show its ugly overheating self in games. during the period of trying to figure out what to do about a VGA heatsink i repasted 3 times and put a direct fan on. I picked up another GTX 285 from ccokeman which happily sat at 80c for furmark and was clocked higher.



and i was off with the total close to $450~


Order 1: Swiftech kit $230 (cheaper than buying mostly all the same parts by itself)


Apogee XT water-block

MCR220 radiator (120.2)

MCP655-B 12 Volts DC pump

MCRES-Micro Revision 2

MCB120 "Radbox"

Tube 6ft


Order 2: $100~

MCR220 (120.2 second one)

Distilled Water

Nuke (Stuff)

Tubes 4ft

Barbs and Clamps

MCW60 200 Holddown plate

Fan Controller



MCW60 (GTX 285 Block)


Oder 3: $110


Ek-285 Full Block


Room Temp: 75F


Temps: i7 920 D0 1.28V 4ghz on Prime95 Max Heat > 60C~



GPU 1 > Full Ek Waterblock > Furmark 5min 50C~



GPU 2 > Furmark won't run Muti-GPU even before i did WC so i cant tell but under Heaven Bench it stays about 5-10c above the full block.




Concept Mockup



CPU Block



Rad on Top (which at one point started spraying me lol



Rez that kept leaking because it was loosening itself up so i gorilla glued it shut ;)



GPU blocks



Whole rig (sorry its blurry)




feel free to critique or whatever.

Edited by hornybluecow

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If I am reading htis correctly, you have a 120.2 rad??? That is barely enough to cool your CPU yet a GPU. You need another rad my unless you stay at low voltages.

Edited by Drdeath

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did i miss something? i thought i said 2 hmm i'll look back. 1 on top and one in the back



My bad I saw the second rad in photo. Good job

Edited by Drdeath

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Get PrimoChill Pure Performance WaterCooling Coolant- Clear (32oz.) - Biodegradable and non-toxic, pretty good coolant, too. Knocked my max temps down by 4C over distilled water and the Swiftech hydrx coolant. Goes for about $15.95.


Also, the GPU's don't seem to heat up very much (at least mine don't), I'd run from rad -> rad -> cpu -> gpu -> gpu (coolest temps before hitting cpu) or cpu -> gpu -> gpu -> rad -> rad (dissipates the heat before going inside the case).

Edited by El_Capitan

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it came with Swiftech hydrx coolant but its green and looks like it will stain everything. i also thought distilled was the best since its just clean water. if i need to add other stuff i'll wait until the water evaporates because filling is the biggest pain in the world

Edited by hornybluecow

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There's so many mixed results for coolants: Thermochill EC6 (Clear) seems like a win, but: http://www.overclockerstech.com/thermochill-ec6-water-cooling-fluid/


Then there's this, where nothing is really much better than anything else: http://skinneelabs.com/coolants.html?page=3


At any rate, as long as you flush it out every now and then, distilled water shouldn't be a problem. It's hella cheap, too. I have some distilled water in with the Primochill (I didn't flush it out completely).

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There less than 1 degree in all of Skinny's results. Don't waste your money. PT Nuke + distilled water remains the cheapest and best.....


"There is a such a small difference between any of the fluids that coolant choice will not make any difference in thermal performance for your setup."

Edited by Drdeath

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yeah i was looking at those charts and its not making me jump the boat or drain everything (blah). i guess i should expect kinda high temps with 3 things in the loop but it holds. I ended up seeing how far i could push it and got furmark working for dual gpu and Prime at the same time. everything moved up about 3c which is still amazing i think.


the other method i did was turn 3 fans off and left it idle and nothing changed. also did 2 fans on low and 2 off for full load and i kept on low side.

Edited by hornybluecow

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