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Unusual Temp Readings on new Motherboard


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I recently bought a Corsair H50 contained water cooling kit for my computer. I had it on an HP branded AMD Athlon II x 4 CPU. When it was on the factory HP motherboard, it was reading idle temps of 13c to 15c. I will note that the fan on the small radiator was replaced with a Scythe Ultra Kaze, because I didn't feel the factory fan was enough.


I recently upgraded to a better case with more air flow (Antec 300), and a better motherbaord (Asus M4A785TD-V EVO). The problem: CoreTemp now shows my idle temps being 54c.


I'm starting to think it may be a problem with CoreTemp itself. It is reading the Tj. Max for the CPU as being 99c which I know is impossible.


I have done the following: turned off Cool 'n Quiet, reseated the cooler using Arctic Silver 5, removed the fan controller ensuring the radiator fan is going 100% speed.


The only other thing I can think of is if the water cooling pump, being connected to a fan spot on the motherboard, is not getting 12 volts. I will use an adapter to hook it to a molex so there's no chance the motherboard is meddling with it. I know I read somewhere that the pump MUST have 12 volts.


Any other information would be greatly appreciated. I've always liked CoreTemp, but this seems really strange. I'm running Wiundows 7 x64.

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I think your HP sensors are screwed. Your ambient temp is probably more than 13C, meaning your CPU temp is definitely more than than 13C. 52C is not that bad but is also rather unlikely with the H50.

Is there anyway to recalibrate your sensors?

Good Luck

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Your cpu z is not legit ,its reading ur vcore as 2.1 volts?thats not possible,i dont think its an pump prob with the volts,try remounting the cooler without ne thermal compound and check the temps.


Well, I literally just took a screen shot to show my friend the temps, obviously HP does some screwy stuff with their boards. In the second picture SpeedFan is showing the correct vCore at 1.4 volts. Yeah, at 2.1 volts I'd have a cooked cpu. I did hook the pump up to the molex connector just in case, it made no change. I don't see mounting without the Arctic Silver as a good idea, I've always used it, but I guess it's possible I put too much and perhaps it's acting as an insulator. I think the likely problem is that the CPU's sensors are shot. BIOS shows a boot temp of about 30c. I don't know how that temperature would sound for the CPU, this is my fist AMD chip in a looooooong time.

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There's a good chance that you may have seated your cooler incorrectly on your CPU. My E1600 was running at 55C when I didn't push in one of the pins hard enough on my heatsink.


I tried reseating the heatsink following the screw order shown in the manual. It's definately on good, and I also used less thermal paste than I did before incase I applied too much. Still idles in the 50's according to CoreTemp. I think I have a bad sensor.

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