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Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam DLC


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It seems like will be releasing a nice new DLC for BC2.

The trailer can be found here, and the multiplayer gameplay footage here.


I think this is a pretty cool DLC considering that it's pretty big and I'd personally call it an expansion or even go as far as to say that it could be a stand alone game. I hope, but doubt that it will be free for the PC cuz I probably wouldn't buy it if it costs money since I don't need it and I'm not a hardcore BC2 fan, but I do think that it's a very nice DLC that stands out from all the other lesser DLCs. Even Valve's L4D DLCs aren't that big with their 2-level maps and a new weapon or two(though it is free so it's kinda hard to compare until I find out what the price of the BC2 DLC will be).


damn it, watching that brought up some buried deep emotions.

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