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Which Is Better Powercolor Or Sapphire

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Sapphire Ive had bad experiances w/ powercolor, lets just say when its time to get warrenty work done on your card you have to ship it to where? Not the anywhere in the US, Not Canada, Definitly not Mexico. but HONG KONG! The shipping costed more than my card!!!!!!!!!!!! Luckly i was able to have new egg refund my money.

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I have no experience with Powercolor cards, but since Sapphire does most/all of ATI's manufacturing.. seems like a good choice to me. I've purchased 4 of them for customers.. None overclocks all that well, but none had any problems whatsoever either.

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either just watch out as power color sells different versions of the 9600. like there 256 meg pro uses 200mhz mem instead of 300 witch really hurts performance. i say get the saphire. i always order from the egg since there great to work with if something breaks in the first year you own it

Edited by FanATIc205

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