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Successful Unlock

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Hey guys, well i ordered a budget build for my father and the case is coming tonight. Until then however i had everything else including a sempron 140. I got curious and yanked out my phenom 9950 from my main rig and dropped in this little guy. Bios update here, new cpuid there, and a some restarts and this is what i got! I'm going to try stress testing right now to see if its stable.


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sigh..... unfortunately no its a mini itx build with a very low budget. it was only 50 dollars for the proccessor and motherboard off of newegg. I figured it would be fun just to see if it would unlock since my board is 790fx with the sb750 southbridge. I'm just glad asus supports unlocking. :)

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sigh..... unfortunately no its a mini itx build with a very low budget. it was only 50 dollars for the proccessor and motherboard off of newegg. I figured it would be fun just to see if it would unlock since my board is 790fx with the sb750 southbridge. I'm just glad asus supports unlocking. :)

Aah. How do your 9950 and the Sempron II overlclock?

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i'm far from a good overclocker i just moved the multiplier and voltage for the 9950. With ACC enabled 3.2 was all i could get and be stable. Its funny cause any more and it will crash in 5 min. yet at 3.2 its stable all day. I could maybe get a little more with better cooling but man that sucker throws heat! I just started playing with the sempron so well see right now its half way through occt unlocked at stock voltage running fine. If it passes then lll need to start learning how to bump the fsb :P. Today's my only day to play with it though since the case comes in for the other build tonight and i need to get it assembled since im leaving sunday for the beach. Lol i love puttin together rigs.

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Well this is about all i got. I'm pretty amazed though at the performance you get from $35 with the right motherboard. I never thought i could take a 2.7 ghz single core and run it at 3.8 as a dual core pretty nuts! I might be able to get a little more but i don't have time since ups will be here within the hour and this little guy will get relegated to being in an itx build runnin at stock for the rest of its days. I'd definatel reccommend this chip to budget builders since it overclocks so well and most people seem to have success with core unlocking. I'm gonna try playing some waw with it. gotta love zombie mods :thumbsup:


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That's pretty bad butt for a $35 processor! I was just reading about these a few days ago on how they unlocked to a athlon x2 440 and was thinking about putting a cheap rig together just to play with one to see what it could do. Now after reading this thread I'm all hyped up about it!

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Yeah I was hearing that with the smaller nm sizes of newer chips they were having less poor quality ones and this led to many of the 140's having good oc's and unlockings. Glad ur pumped about seein this I was just as blown away as you. Set it up at first for like 3.6 unlocked and it runs fine I'm like holy crap no way!

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