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Ok so apart from eveything ever going wrong, theres a new problem, I wanted to merge two drives, blah blah balh, anyways


basically I was transferring about 30GB of stuff that I NEED (not pr0n)btw onto my new drive and everything has went out the window, I feel like formatting both of them but thats not an option theres just to much stuff not to mention all my work so...


Is there anyway to get stuff of a currupted hard drive?? (please HD gods give me an answer)

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,Jan 21 2004, 04:45 PM] Ok so apart from eveything ever going wrong, theres a new problem, I wanted to merge two drives, blah blah balh, anyways


basically I was transferring about 30GB of stuff that I NEED (not pr0n)btw onto my new drive and everything has went out the window, I feel like formatting both of them but thats not an option theres just to much stuff not to mention all my work so...


Is there anyway to get stuff of a currupted hard drive?? (please HD gods give me an answer)

can you see the drive in windows?


have you tried a suface scan ?

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Dont tempt me with the hammer :-D already tried scandisk, andif I cant read the disk, I can hardly rearange (defragment) it then, come on guys havent had one inspring idea yet


THINK god crap you THINK (hmm sun rays during the night huh)

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,Jan 21 2004, 04:51 PM] I think your knowledge base is showing here, IF I CANT ((READ)) THE DISK THEN HOW I CAN IT SCAN IT IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. understand now mr yuck, hope this clears things up for ya


anyone else have any ideas PLEASE

hey now, I was just thinking maybe if windows cant read it, maybe something else can.

it's a problem with thinking sideways...sometimes it makes me look stupid :ph34r:

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,Jan 21 2004, 07:51 PM] I think your knowledge base is showing here, IF I CANT ((READ)) THE DISK THEN HOW I CAN IT SCAN IT IN ANYWAY SHAPE OR FORM. understand now mr yuck, hope this clears things up for ya


anyone else have any ideas PLEASE

Did you try scan disk? :P:P:P


Hmm..have you tried it in another computer?

was it NTFS or FAT based? if FAT can you see it by booting to DOS?


Super nutty question...tried SafeMode?? maybe a funky driver or something...


Hey, like Mr. Yuckster, we're trying to think out of the box


is it still seen in the BIOS

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