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What Should I Set My Dram Clock At?

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Unless your FSB is faster, I would say go with 166, or the default.


Remeber it's always a good Idea to have a 1:1 relationship between the FSB and RAM speeds.


I am no expert, but hey, if you look around there are some links to some helpfull sites that can explain dividers for you better than I understand

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what kinda ram do you have? ddr 2100? 2700? 3200? that will definetly impact your oc ability.




with your ram you should run it at 200mhz fsb, thats what its rated at. be sure to lock the pci/agp in the bios to 33/66 respectively.

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-He doesn't need to lock the pci/agp clocks...that's an nforce2 board, so it's done automatically

-Don't set your ram to 200mhz if you're only running the cpu fsb at 166. Just set the memory speed to 100% or 1:1 or whatever your bios says. That way if you run your fsb slower than 200mhz, you can tighten the memory timings up since the ram would be running at slower clocks also.

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