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Wonder Woman = Makeover?


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Not sure if I like this or not


Wonder Woman Gets 21st Century Makeover



LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Comic book superheroine Wonder Woman has traded in her spangled hot pants for urban leggings and upped her street smarts in a 21st century make-over for the 69 year-old character.


J.Michael Straczynski, the new writer for the DC Comics series, told the New York Times he wanted to "toughen her up and give her a modern sensibility" and change the outfit Wonder Woman has been wearing for almost seven decades.


The new costume features dark leggings, a studded denim jacket, spurs on her heeled boots and gloves in a new look designed by Korean-American artist Jim Lee of "X-Men" fame. Gone are the star-studded hip-huggers, undersized bustier and knee length, red go-go boots.


"She was stuck in 1941. And as female friends of mine kept asking, 'how does she fight in that (bustier) thing without all her parts flying out? How does she carry her stuff?," Straczynski told video game and entertainment website IGN.com in an interview.


"So my requests were pretty specific: toughen her look, make it more dynamic, more serious," he added.


Wonder Woman, one of the few female superheroes in a world dominated by Batman and Superhero, has also seen her character given greater depth and more intellect as she debuts the new look in Issue 600, which hits comic book stands on Wednesday.


"Growing up, I always felt that she was a better character than her books...the stories tended toward being a bit precious, and definitely edged into being more about getting her into provocative poses...than really getting into her character," Straczynski said.


"We will be making her stronger, favoring her smarts and her resolve and her resourcefulness, and making the remains of the world she once knew special by incorporating them into a more vital, unpredictable world. We take her very seriously,' he added.





I personally kinda prefer her to stay somewhat closer to the original character. Slight updating would be fine, but making the new character out so be some badass beyotch with leather and studs is going to far I think








I understand the logic behind an update... After all, she was basically wearing a swim suit. I just don't think she needs the whole urban/rockstar/badass/biker/whore look


When they redid X-Men, I didn't care for the new darker look either. They could have easily updated each costume to leather or something and still have somewhat kept the layout and color scheme


Superman... The darker red undies looked like ..


Batman... The 60's Batman was cheesy looking, but at that time, they wanted that cartoonish type look. The late 80's update was good as Batman needed to be a little more scary looking. The only thing I hated with the Batman movies was the changing of the actors each time. I liked Keaton and Bale is good, Clooney was "ok", but Kilmer sucked. The other thing I hated was that retarded Tumbler vehicle they had him driving in the Batman Begins. Cool vehicle by itself, but just not for Batman

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This is crap Wonder Woman does not need an update. I just finished watching all 5 seasons of the Justice League and I can tell you that she has an awesome story line and is a great character even with a skimpy one piece.

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Slight updating would be fine, but making the new character out so be some badass beyotch with leather and studs is going to far I think
I agree, but THAT rightz.jpgwonderwoman.jpg(Granny panty style 1-piece FTL.) has got to go.


The same way that rightz.jpgbatman196601.jpg needed to go.

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Granny panty style 1-piece FTL.

Don't diss on Adam West. Batman didn't get some new outfit, just a revamp of the old outfit. It's not like you see batman running around wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

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I saw this online today. The article I read had a poll attached with the new and old outfits - 77% of the 13K votes were in favor of the old/original outfit.

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In contrast, the old outfit does kinda look like a cheap fancy-dress costume, but for the new outfit, I just don't see the point of the leggings, jacket and new boots... I guess they could have pockets and be more useful, as probably the modern Wonder Woman needs to check her email on her iPhone or something instead of being a super-hero :lol:

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