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Kinect for XBOX 360


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I'm really not sure what you mean. In what games does the controller not allow you to pick up a gun or move a certain way? I mean if the game allows it then I don't see how the controller can hold you back. I don't know if you have a Wii but I recommend trying a game on the Wii where you can actually use one of those plastic add on toys that emulates a gun and try to play any kind of shooter with it, you will find that it doesn't feel realistic in the least.


I own a Wii and it doesn't play FPS games well because it wasn't really designed for those types of games and most of the the FPS games released for the Wii aren't designed to take advantage of the Wii controller which is why I said that hopefully someday they will come out with some type of system that works better and allows a player more control and realism when playing a game.

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So we had our private event with Microsoft and Natal yesterday evening.

We were presented with a lot of the first party software and launch titles.

I now retract my original post in saying it was unresponsive and not fun.

I am thrilled with a lot of what is coming out of it, and I had a blast playing it

There was no sad face in the booth the entire night.

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I am actually looking foreword to using Kinect.

What I would love to see is a FPS game come out that would allow you to utilize Kinect with it. Might sound crazy, but I think it could be fun.


I also think that the $150 listed price is a little high.

XBOX's VP said at the E3 conference that there were two faction at MS.

One wanted to make the Kinect high priced and possibly lower it later, and the other wanted to make it lower and get it into homes.


Unfortunately, I think the High priced group is winning that battle.

When the Kinect drops to around $99, I will certainly look into getting it.

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I think nintendo might want to rethink the market. They will have some competition now. I expect them to come out with a new system. One that can compete with xbox360 and PS3. More power and better graphics along with the motion controls.

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Who would honestly want to play a serious FPS title with motion control? That just sounds like a masochist's anthem. They call them twitch games for a reason. Where half a second seems like an eternity and you have less time than that to react. You feel the smallest latency issue. Wireless controller technology is pretty mature these days, but you still can't beat a wired controller for response time.


Motion Controller technology is still fairly new and even though the newer entries look more accurate in picking up your movement you know there is still going to be some latency issue preventing it from picking up your movement completely and also some latency sending that movment to the game and having the game act accordingly.



May be fun for party games, but I wouldn't want to play MoH, MW2 or BC2 like title with a motion controller.


I said it before but games like Sorcery look like the perfect melding btwn motion sensor technology and a real game.

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Let me rephrase what I mean by that.

I would love to see a FPS game with Kinect support, after some time when they have made it capable of doing so.

ie: no latency issues, etc.

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You just want to shoot people with your hand as a gun like in your favorite show



If the motion sensor technology was developed properly it could add more abilities to the games making them more interesting to play.

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Not really,

I just think that if they worked on Kinect to the point where you could do it, it would be cool.

End of story.


Humor dropped to the floor and squished like a roach :cry:


I'm sure it's already there. I haven't seen the whole Microsoft E3 conference yet, but the guy at sony was making fun of that so I figured he had seen it in the Microsoft E3 conference - guess not. Course if I was Sony I wouldn't be the one to throw stones when theirs looks like a cheap fairy wand you'd buy for a 5yr old girl.


If the motion sensor technology was developed properly it could add more abilities to the games making them more interesting to play.


For sure - if you haven't already seen it - check out the demo for Sorcery. That looks fun as hell.


Imagine kids trying to play Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat with Kinect? :lol:

House would be trashed and they'd be laid out on the floor panting.

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While I agree that it would be interesting and fun to play an FPS with the Kinect, it's really something that wouldn't last. Consider all the things you can currently do in modern FPS games, how would you switch to a secondary weapon? use grenades, or switch between grenade for that matter? Knifing? How could you make a full 180 turn in the game without doing it yourself? In my opinion the kinect is just too limited to pull off a game like call of duty or battlefield. Now if it was a rail shooter like many of the Wii's shooters are, then it would be more practical but even then it would be slower than the Wii.

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While I agree that it would be interesting and fun to play an FPS with the Kinect, it's really something that wouldn't last. Consider all the things you can currently do in modern FPS games, how would you switch to a secondary weapon? use grenades, or switch between grenade for that matter? Knifing? How could you make a full 180 turn in the game without doing it yourself? In my opinion the kinect is just too limited to pull off a game like call of duty or battlefield. Now if it was a rail shooter like many of the Wii's shooters are, then it would be more practical but even then it would be slower than the Wii.


Turning the screen wouldn't be hard. Waving your hand to the side of the screen to turn it (kinda like on a touch screen). Changing weapons would be easier with voice commands, but I'm sure there's a way to do it with hand motions. It would be annoying to have to actually walk/run places, especially on huge maps. :wacko:

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