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H50 Results..

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Hey guys,


just picked up the H50 corsair today. Thought I was going to get extremely better results than my cooler master 520.


My bios settings are on xmp (asus p7p55d pro) - mem running at 1600mhz (corsair xms 3)


antec 850w psu

evga gtx 470 sc ed.

i5- 750


The first scrnshot is with the coolermaster 520 . (about 20 min in)



The second is with the H50. (about 30 min in)



NOTE: i also changed the thermal paste to arctic silver...


any suggestions?? As im only at around 3.2 ghz... i wanted to get up to 3.8-4 at least with this setup :(

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Hey guys,


just picked up the H50 corsair today. Thought I was going to get extremely better results than my cooler master 520.


My bios settings are on xmp (asus p7p55d pro) - mem running at 1600mhz (corsair xms 3)


antec 850w psu

evga gtx 470 sc ed.

i5- 750


The first scrnshot is with the coolermaster 520 . (about 20 min in)



The second is with the H50. (about 30 min in)



NOTE: i also changed the thermal paste to arctic silver...


any suggestions?? As im only at around 3.2 ghz... i wanted to get up to 3.8-4 at least with this setup :(



I have no experience in them myself but from other posts, these waterblocks work best when you have cool air coming across the radiator from the outside. Most times I've seen pics of them they are mounted like in this review and often two fans.

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I have no experience in them myself but from other posts, these waterblocks work best when you have cool air coming across the radiator from the outside. Most times I've seen pics of them they are mounted like in this review and often two fans.



ZeroKool in this thread has a similar setup to you and may be able to give you some pointers if you PM him.

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use ur old cooler fans on the h50 rad as push and pull that way ur temps will decrease and check if uve mounted ur cooler properly and with maximum contact use the lest amount of paste u have.

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i also have an H50 but i have 2 scythe 75cfm fans in push-pull config so that drops my temps pretty significantly. make sure your thermal paste is on right as well. you should be getting better results than that

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i also have an H50 but i have 2 scythe 75cfm fans in push-pull config so that drops my temps pretty significantly. make sure your thermal paste is on right as well. you should be getting better results than that



push pull.. which direction is air flow going both? so it pulls in and pushes out through one vent?


thermal paste - just applied a small layer across cpu. and i took off the thermal from the actual h50 before applying. for some reason temps are still not cool at night now.. (would imagine temps being better but no... ambient temp is about 20 f cooler.


this is from just 5 minutes of prime95 just now (while ambient temp is alott cooler..) any ideas?



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i also have an H50 but i have 2 scythe 75cfm fans in push-pull config so that drops my temps pretty significantly. make sure your thermal paste is on right as well. you should be getting better results than that



push pull so which direction is air flow going both?


i just used the intake method, its pulling air into the case, but as alot of other people have said it depends alot on ambient temp. unfortunately im in cali and its starting to get pretty hot up here haha.. any ideas?


arent there any fans w/ ice coolers built in or something lol


yeah for the paste, i only used a bit and im pretty sure i got just a good amount to cover the surface very lightly..


ambient temp is much cooler in room now (night time), but temp readings are still the same :(..



start with reapplying thermal paste? or any other suggestions first?

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I have an H50 Cooling my 920 on my system and so far I am very pleased with the results.


I mounted it in different configurations, as an intake and as an exhaust. Which would perform better depends of the Case you are using.


I am using a Cooler Master Storm Scout and have the H50 mounted in the back as an exhaust in push / pull setup. When I had it as an intake as Corsair suggests, it was heating up all my system, after switching it all my temperatures dropped 5 - 7 °C.


Currently my 920 runs at 4.1 GHz and the 920 keeps the cores below 68 °C, after 20 passes of LinX Max memory.


This might help:


�Now what is truly funky about this is that the instructions state that the fan should be blowing air INTO the case, not out like an exhaust fan. To me this doesn�t seem right as it would be blowing hot air into the case and across the CPU block introducing more heat into the loop.�

�So I mounted up the H50 system with a pair of Noctua NF-P12 120mm fans in the exhausting configuration, and I was pleasantly surprised.�

Credit goes to http://www.legitrevi...article/1025/4/

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Finally switched to push pull system. I have it so both fans are shooting air out of the case, is that correct? (with the h50 unit in the middle of the two fans)



my temps are a little lower, now reading :





what do you guys think? i wanna reach 3.8-4ghz, and keep the system stable.. doesnt seem like i can make it there like this... :-/



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You should first try lowering your vcore to find the lowest stable setting for it at your current frequency. 1.35v seems high for 3.2GHz, and that could be a major contributor to your heat problem.


If you find that you cant get that vcore lower and find lower temps because of it, you should remove the heatsink very carefully and look at the pattern of the thermal paste. It should be obvious by looking if theres a major contact problem, because different parts of the goop will be distorted differently. The smoother the goop is, the less contact was being made in that are of the heatsink.


After you confirm you're getting good contact, THOROUGHLY clean off all the old thermal goop, and re-apply using the small-pea method. Then screw down the retention mechanism, keeping in mind what you found by looking at the goop- you may need to tighten one side down more than before to ensure proper contact. When you put it in though, make sure that once the heatsink touches the thermal paste, it *does*not*come*off. If it does, try again because you will have introduced air into the goop and that will impact its effectiveness.


After all that, for a couple days turn off and on your computer regularly when you're not using it. Arctic Silver requires a couple hundred hours of cure time, needing to cycle between hot and cold, before its at its best performance. Granted, that difference in the end will only be a couple degrees at best, but anything will help I'm sure.


I hope that helped somewhat.

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