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Downloading Steam Updates From Another Pc


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Hey guys, my latest Vista install took a dump on me again. So i switched to Windows 7. I live out in the countryside and so can only get wireless internet through verizon. I currently have a 15gb monthly cap and i usually go up into the 10-12gb range usually. I reinstalled the orange box and realized it has over 5 gb in updates!!! Is there any way to update it from another location and bring the update back to my house. At this rate i'm going to have to take the entire rig over to my fathers business to let it update everything lol


Help appreciated,

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Hey guys, my latest Vista install took a dump on me again. So i switched to Windows 7. I live out in the countryside and so can only get wireless internet through verizon. I currently have a 15gb monthly cap and i usually go up into the 10-12gb range usually. I reinstalled the orange box and realized it has over 5 gb in updates!!! Is there any way to update it from another location and bring the update back to my house. At this rate i'm going to have to take the entire rig over to my fathers business to let it update everything lol


Help appreciated,

Well...the only other way I know if is that you install steam somewhere else, install all your games, let it update. While that's working install your steam on ur normal PC and install the games and let em all update to like 2% each, then somehow you gotta copy all the game folders from the fully updated place, to the 2% place. Overwrite everything and your done. That's how I do it at least. I save my Steam folder on an HDD, reinstall Windows on the other one, then when it's done I install steam and my games and copy the game folders from the old steam folder into the new one, then (something I forgot to mention, and that you should do if you use this method) when I'm done I go into each of the game's properties and click on "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" and then "Defragment Cache Files" that way the game will recognize all the files and see that they don't need updating any more. If any little piece is missing it'll get it.

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I keep the steam folder backed up for this reason...mine is currently 48gigs...


I just re-install Steam on a fresh install then over-write the steam folder...done deal..

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alright guys thanks for the advice. That will be a lot easier then taking my full tower over. and Dr. Bowtie your right i bought a new hdd to so i don't have to go through this PITA again as well as with all my other programs. Woulda thought reinstalling Vista over 3 times from my different pc's would have taught me that by now. :doh:

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Copying over the Steam folder works, that what I did when going to a new computer. There is also the ability to "Backup Game Files," that will make an installer for Steam for the game, and can be set to break it up into chunks to fit on CD's, DVD's or whatever size you want. I make them single chunks that I store on an external hard drive, and work pretty well, when I want to put a game back on the system.

So my recommendation is to download them somewhere else and update them, then make the backup there to install on your home machine. All updates should be included this way, if only because it would not make any sense if they weren't.

Copying the Steam directory may be at least as easy for you, but this is another option.

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