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Which Cpu Cooler ?


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In my country the H50 is actually cheaper then the Frio :D Are there any chances that the water loop will leak as I really dont want my whole system blown ?

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In my country the H50 is actually cheaper then the Frio :D Are there any chances that the water loop will leak as I really dont want my whole system blown ?



I dont think so with the H50. Its fully assembled when you buy it.

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In terms of overclocking and keeping things cool, how far can the H50 be pushed ... i've got another thread going for a cooler for my i7-930, and i have having problems finding a decent cooler that would fit under the case (Thermaltake v9) so far the Noctua NH-C12P SE14 looks to be the go followed closely with the Noctua NH-U9B SE2. The H50 isn't much more than the Noctua so its not hard to put it into consideration.


Titan TTC-NK85TZ/CS(RB) thoughts?

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In my country the H50 is actually cheaper then the Frio :D Are there any chances that the water loop will leak as I really dont want my whole system blown ?


The chances are less than .0001%.


There has only been one case where it's popped that has been seen on the Corsair Support forums. That person showed proof that it toasted his hardware and Corsair is replacing every part at their cost.


That's customer support for you, and as far as reliability goes it's safe as hell, I'd say go for it. I almost got one at my local Best Buy for $60 (on sale) and literally a guy about 20 feet ahead of me took the last one.... it ruined my day :(

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noctua nh d14 if it will fit :thumbsup:


The Noctua NH D14 is HUGE but an amazing cooler. It doesnt really fit the build I have right now

so its sitting in a box. If you are looking for simple, yet effective cooling, you could try

Corsair's H50,http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181010&Tpk=Corsair%20H50

or Coolit's Domino A.L.C http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835227005&cm_re=Coolit-_-35-227-005-_-Product

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