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okay so I got my first case with the window...I need help consealing wires etc now and arrangement, it is just scary messy.....I have round cables for my drives, but it is all the wires to the er 7 fans and the 2 uv lights.

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yeah, empty rive bays are your friend, just tie the cables from the rear fans up and run em along the side and itl'l be no prob


unlike my case, there good points and bad points about my case, good is that the whole motherboard panel can tilt down, enabling you free accses to everythign on it so you dont need to reech in and hope for the best, the bad thing is that you need to untie all the wires evertimg you do, u need to do that when you add pci cards too :/

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open up the psu and conceal all the unused psu wires in there, (at your own risk) and like other are sayin zip tie to the chassis etc. black elictrical tape is my friend, some duct tape as well ;)


use the used pci slots to your advantage, slip some wires through there and hide em. also, with the wires that have to be seen zip tie the ones that are loose to them. Also, you can always build yourself an enclosure to hide wires as well, that works rather nice!


anyways hope this helps some, good luck!

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