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720be overclock question

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I have a 720BE that I was able to unlock to 4 cores (took a while but I got it). I was also able to overclock to 3.36 by taking the FSB to 210 and the multiplier to 16 - (reading and understanding (I think) that increasing the FSB would give me more speed than just upping the multiplier) - please correct me if I am wrong. Would 200FSB and 17 be better?


I am running stock everything. Intel burn test (10tests) ran fine, core temps at about 32 idle and about 60 max during test test. Everything seems pretty stable.


Is this good or should I change anything? I think I am satisfied with 3.4 .



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is good if your not going to be putting the cpu under 100% load more than an hour or so. if your cpu is going to be more than hour at 100%load then i would recommend a new cpu cooler since i am guessing you still have the stock one it came with, this will also let u go higher than 3.4

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running 100% load is for stress testing

regardless if you plan to push your computer you MUST do this to check stability

your computer could crash anytime regardless of CPU load if your overclock settings are not correct

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