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Hi, total newbie to overclock needs some help.

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I am totally new to over clocking, I know what it is but have never been able to figure out how to do it.


I'm hoping someone can help me make my pc run faster. :)


What I have is an Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit pc.


The motherboard is a "Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6" with 4 gigabytes of memory


The cpu chip is an intel Q8400 2.66 core quad chip


I just had a monster cooling fan put in, it's a Zalman CNPS9500AT and was highly recommended as "good stuff"


The memory sticks are " G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1200 (PC2 9600) Desktop Memory Model F2-9600CL6D-4GBRH "



I can go into the bios screen and change something and make it run at 3ghz but it still seems slow.

I can get it to run at 3.2ghz for about 5 minutes but it always locks up soon.


I see there are a zillion settings in the the bios screen about making it run faster but I do not at all understand what any of those things mean and am afraid to experiment with them because I was warned I could ruin the whole thing if I set something wrong.


I have seen lots of times people say they overclock their pc's all the time to run faster but they are all different, every one so I just don't know what to do.


Can anyone please help me make mine run faster? I put some pictures of the pc inside.

I don't play any games at all with it, don't care about games at all, I just want wicked fast browsing, I usually have 20-30 different websites open at once in different tabs, chatting and stuff.

I thought this was supposed to be like 4 computers in one but it's just sooooo slow.



Thank you! :)



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... I just want wicked fast browsing, I usually have 20-30 different websites open at once in different tabs, chatting and stuff.

I thought this was supposed to be like 4 computers in one but it's just sooooo slow.



Thank you! :)




Overclocking will have almost no bearing whatsoever in your situation.


What you need is a faster internet connection.

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I see there are a zillion settings in the the bios screen about making it run faster but I do not at all understand what any of those things mean and am afraid to experiment with them because I was warned I could ruin the whole thing if I set something wrong.

Eh. Not really. To really break something using the BIOS, you kinda have to know what you're doing. Like you said, when you clock up to 3.2, it just locks up... a simple reset fixes it though. I would suggest you do two things- first off, get either a faster internet connection or a better network card. Secondly, find the reset jumpers on your motherboard. Once you know where those jumpers are (look in your manual, which is probably online if you dont have it) you can pretty much go wild. Follow the OC guides we have on this site, and spend some time experimenting. Thats what the rest of us have to do :D The only 2 things I'd say you should never ever do, is set your memory voltage higher than its rated in the spec, and set your CPU voltage higher than 1.35 volts. I think 1.35 is the max for your chip, so do not exceed it. Other than that... unleash the beast!


Also though... with that cooler/chip combo, expect your max overclock to be around 3.6 or 3.8GHz. Not because thats a bad cooler, its just not the best, and on the best cooler people generally struggle get that chip to 4GHz. You're at 3GHz now, looking to add about .6GHz to it. Do you think that will make your browser speeds any better?

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Eh. Not really. To really break something using the BIOS, you kinda have to know what you're doing. Like you said, when you clock up to 3.2, it just locks up... a simple reset fixes it though. I would suggest you do two things- first off, get either a faster internet connection or a better network card. Secondly, find the reset jumpers on your motherboard. Once you know where those jumpers are (look in your manual, which is probably online if you dont have it) you can pretty much go wild. Follow the OC guides we have on this site, and spend some time experimenting. Thats what the rest of us have to do :D The only 2 things I'd say you should never ever do, is set your memory voltage higher than its rated in the spec, and set your CPU voltage higher than 1.35 volts. I think 1.35 is the max for your chip, so do not exceed it. Other than that... unleash the beast!


Also though... with that cooler/chip combo, expect your max overclock to be around 3.6 or 3.8GHz. Not because thats a bad cooler, its just not the best, and on the best cooler people generally struggle get that chip to 4GHz. You're at 3GHz now, looking to add about .6GHz to it. Do you think that will make your browser speeds any better?



Well it's not about browser speed, I know about a faster internet connection. I'm talking about the way the pc performs.

I'm running Ubuntu Linux with all the eye candy enabled, IE Compiz and it's really nice.


But when I have 20-30 tabs open at the same time, the performance gets really sluggish. Those tabs aren't doing anything, just sitting idle until I get to read them then close them.

But a few sites I visit regular run javascript and something called ajax and that just sucks the lifeblood out of the machine when I hit that site. It's like the machine is gone back in time 20 years in performance. I talked to the webmistress and she knows and admits the ajax is what kills my machine but she said she can't fix it without tossing out the entire site and starting over from scratch and that's not happening.


So I'm not trying to get webpages into my pc faster through my cable modem, I'm trying to get the pc to perform better when I have it doing a lot of things all at the same time.


As to the settings, I do not have any clue in the universe what all those bios settings mean or are for and I'm not about to fiddle with them without guidance. I was warned not to and even in the bios screen it flashes in red that I can ruin and break things if I set them wrong.


So I'm really looking to make the pc run faster, has nothing to do with the internet. Let's just pretend for a moment that it's so I can play pc games faster. (which I don't do)...

How could I make it run faster with the stuff that I have in there now? I don't want to spend anymore money on it but if I can bump it up a bit I'll be a happy girl.

The tiny bump up I got out of it as it is now helps a tiny bit but when I bumped it up to 3.2 it was really humming along ~nice~ for a bit but it locked up a lot and then it would reset itself back down to 2.66 and that sucks. :( So for now, I've gotten it to 3.0 just by changing ONE item and that seems to hold pretty well but I really want more.


Thanks! :)

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I'm not familiar with ajax, but if you have noticed an improvement with the overclocking you have done so far, then it must require a reasonable amount of client-side processing.


Check out the socket 775 overclocking guide;


It's a bit of a read, but you really need to understand the process; the main areas you will be concentrating on are the Front Side Bus, Memory divider, & CPU voltages.

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Hello , if you like you can copy my specs for a 3.2GHz with the Q8400 stable as some sort of estimation on what you need to achieve this clock.


in the right area of BIOS (forgot the name of it) where you can set the voltages and speeds etc


400mhz fsb

8x multiplyer

1.35 CPU voltage

1.3 Volt Termination

1.30 North Bridge

1.50 South Bridge

69%/0.69x GLTref

Vdroop: Enabled



leave the ram settings alone


NOTE: These settings are for my cpu and should only be used as a idea , these may work if you copy+paste , they also might not be stable for your system

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As to the settings, I do not have any clue in the universe what all those bios settings mean or are for and I'm not about to fiddle with them without guidance. I was warned not to and even in the bios screen it flashes in red that I can ruin and break things if I set them wrong.

Like I said, it takes a very magical touch and probably some intentional malice to actually "break" something in the BIOS to where you have to go out and buy a new one. And universally, anything you can do to "break" your hardware has to do with voltages, so simply do not exceed the maximum rated voltages for your memory and processor. Never set your memory voltage above 2.0 ( I just looked it up) and never set your processor voltage above 1.3625 volts. Other than that, dont worry :) Everything else you do in your BIOS that makes your computer stop working can be fixed by a simple reset.


As far as HOW to do it, the link provided is what I used to learn how to overclock, its a really wonderful guide. Good luck and let us know if you need more specific help and especially let us know your results :D

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