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Kind of a newb at Overclocking

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So a little over a year ago I got a Q6600 off my buddy. He bought all the parts that I told him to buy when we went shopping, but when we got back his woman told him he couldn't keep them. (This made me very happy, because I got most of the parts for much less than you'd pay for at newegg even.)


So I got a sweet P45 mobo and some other sweet stuff from him.


Well not long ago I was dicking around so I decided to figure out if I have G0 or not (cause I heard that was good) and it turned out I did. I was still on the stock heatsink, but here's the best OC I got from that.



I wanted to know if those temps (stock cooling) are good for that voltage and speed? I had it up a bit higher (3.8ghz I think) but I didn't want to fry the chip so I clocked it down some.


Also, since I hear this is important, the stock voltage (as it is right now at default settings) is 1.304


Since then I got a Xigmatek Achilles on Newegg and I freaking love this HS. I was going to OC some more once I got it in, but was having some temp difficulties. Not long ago (since we moved a few months back) I fixed the problem, which was that the HS wasn't mounted properly. I'm wondering if I should try OCing some more?


Also, I'm interested in Dry Ice / LN2 cooling. How hard is it to get gear to start doing that? And is it cost effective, or should I try getting water cooling or just stick to my current HS?

Edited by Locutus

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Dry Ice / LN2 isn't really anything near safe/cost effective for 24-7 use, it requires alot of technical knowledge and maint. to run properlly for even short periods of time, i highly suggest a good w/c loop for continuous usage.


those temps seem kinda high, its max is a little above 75c isnt it ? and i Know 1.5+ is in the red zone for voltage! i wouldnt give it anything over 1.49 without a little better quality air cooling!


!! THere is a 780i guide in the overclocking section above as a sticky by [p]wnz0r, although your not on a 780i it has ALOT of data on common OC settings for a q6600 (was very popular around the time of the release) and would benefit you very much to glance through it!


(btw bring that multi up!!)

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Dry Ice / LN2 isn't really anything near safe/cost effective for 24-7 use, it requires alot of technical knowledge and maint. to run properlly for even short periods of time, i highly suggest a good w/c loop for continuous usage.


those temps seem kinda high, its max is a little above 75c isnt it ? and i Know 1.5+ is in the red zone for voltage! i wouldnt give it anything over 1.49 without a little better quality air cooling!


!! THere is a 780i guide in the overclocking section above as a sticky by [p]wnz0r, although your not on a 780i it has ALOT of data on common OC settings for a q6600 (was very popular around the time of the release) and would benefit you very much to glance through it!


(btw bring that multi up!!)



Btw the multi is locked at 9 (sadly.) Luckily though, the FSB on this board goes reeeeeally high (thanks to the awesome heatsink they put on it.)


Also, since then I bought some new RAM (Went from 800 to 1066) so that might help with OCing.

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Ain't nothin like lowerin the voltage AND gettin better temps to boot! Gonna run SuperPI now and see how stable I am. :P





Edited by Locutus

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Not to rain on your parade but 1.5v on the vcore is just too much, I mean you wont kill it today, or tomorrow but maybe months down the road. I would not suggest anything over 1.45v, I know it doesn't sound like much but trust us it makes a difference.

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Also, I'm interested in Dry Ice / LN2 cooling. How hard is it to get gear to start doing that? And is it cost effective, or should I try getting water cooling or just stick to my current HS?

extreme cooling is lots of fun. :) But it's somewhat expensive. The cheapest and easiest is dry ice. All you have to buy / make is a CPU pot. For LN2, you have to add a dewar to transport it, which is very expensive. But when you taste to these methods of cooling, you become addict. :)

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Not to rain on your parade but 1.5v on the vcore is just too much, I mean you wont kill it today, or tomorrow but maybe months down the road. I would not suggest anything over 1.45v, I know it doesn't sound like much but trust us it makes a difference.

In the BIOS it's set at 1.45


I dunno why the voltage changes once I get into windows. Is there a way to fix that? Cause it seems to fluctuate a bit, besides the fact that it's up more than it was in BIOS.


Also, currently I'm back at stock settings (had a bit of trouble with setting up my new graphics cards.) So I'll start from scratch next time.

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