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Guild Wars 2


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Some information they posted over Twitter during a presentation (PAX EAST, I think).


Eric: There are three main things we want to accomplish in GW2 - make combat more exciting, make the game a great RPG, make it social.


Eric: Combat is very visual. For instance, when you cast a fireball, you'll the the ring of fire on the ground before it hits.


Eric: We want GW2 combat to live in the moment where you're constantly monitoring the battlefield and actively adjusting to what's going on.


Colin talks personal story. Even if you make similar choices as a friend, our branching storylines create a lot of variation and diversity.


The asura home district will be your own personal lab. How cool is that? :)


Eric: Every dungeon has a unique armor and weapon set. At the end of a run, you get a token so you can exchange for the exact piece you want


Remaining four professions: at least one is a returning profession, at least one is similar with a different name, and at least one is new.

There will be an auction house. This will have both in-game and web parts, and will be a really robust and cool feature.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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The Ranger class looks pretty darn active.





No need for exploiting corpses to get minions

Skill used to summon a minion turns into another skill for the minion (IE. consume minion for health)

Sneak Peek of the Moral/Personal Story system (charming / intimidating vendors)




I'm always surprised at how good this game looks visually.


Active dodging and skill shots should make for fun gameplay. Also the shared mobs and reviving anyone makes playing with random players outside your party less frustrating unlike most other games.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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Guild Wars 2 Q&A: no fees is good fees (NY Post)


Personal Story explained:


Post: Tell us more about the character customization. How unique will my character be? And will he have his own personal story?


Eric Flannum (Lead Game Designer): In addition to robust physical character customization options we also allow players to customize the backgrounds of their characters. We do this with a series of biography questions at the end of character creation. How was your character raised? What are your characters greatest regrets? What equipment has your character inherited or created?


Through the use of these questions we can tell a much more personal story. If your character is a noble then they will find themselves attending parties and delving into conspiracies among the elite. Characters that were raised on the streets will fight for survival among gangs of thieves and murderers. We also have key moments during the story where a player can make choices that will affect the story of their character. Do you risk the lives of many strangers to save an old friend? Do you seek evidence by breaking into a house while the owner is at a party or go to that party and try to gather evidence from the other guests? With these choices and the biography there are literally thousands of different paths that players can take through their own personal story.



Leveling Curve explained:


Post: Guild Wars 2 has a maximum level cap of 80 -- which is pretty damn high. And with high level caps, there's always a feeling that players need to grind their butts off. Is there anything in place to prevent that urge or need to grind?


Eric Flannum: We regard leveling as a good measure of progress and not as the ultimate goal of the game. There is an amount of time at which a single level becomes useless as a measure of progress because you can’t make significant gains in a single play session. We are continuing to tweak and tune just how long we think that is but we currently put it at around 90 minutes. Since we aren’t interested in leveling as an end goal this allows us to cap our leveling time at around the 90 minute mark. This means that our leveling curve flattens out relatively early in the game. For example it currently takes about the same amount of time to progress from 79 to 80 as it does to go from 49 to 5o. This allows us to avoid the grind often associated with the later levels in an MMO.



World vs World explained:


Post: We know that there will be PvP, PvE and Guild v Guild, but can you explain what World v World (The Mists) combat is?


Eric Flannum: The best way to think of WvW combat is to think of a huge epic strategy game. Forces fight to control resources on the map including towers, fortresses, mines, lumber yards, and supply routes. Each player is one soldier in this massive fight. We do our best to provide a variety of different objectives to keep players involved regardless of whether they prefer going solo or travelling in a group of a hundred.


The three sides consist of three different worlds (what you might call a server in another game) that are matched up at the beginning of the week with one of the worlds emerging victorious.



Guild Wars 2 vs other MMORPG:


Post: Anyone launching a MMORPG now has to compete with World of Warcraft. What about Guild Wars 2 do you think is going to help you pull players from WoW?


Eric Flannum: One of the biggest factors for us is that we don’t feel we have to pull players away from WoW (or any other game for that matter). Since we don’t charge a monthly fee players can go right ahead and play our game alongside any other game (online or offline) that they choose. They can even put our game down for a period of time and pick it back up later, perhaps when we release some expansion content or when we hold one of our holiday events. This is something we’ve seen as pretty common behavior from players of the first game and it suites our business model well.


As far as why a player might play Guild Wars 2 over some other game I could probably go on about specific features but what it’s really about is quality. We want our game to stand out as providing a finely crafted and polished play experience. We want it stand out among not only other MMO’s but among games in general.


Edited by Krazyxazn

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Exclusive Interview With Eric Flannum


Guild Wars 2 'Design a Skill' Contest

Prize: One "Larger Than Life Print" of a Destiny's Edge member (5 total)

Skill will not be implemented into the game. So you don't need to worry about numbers and balancing. Just be creative.


My Skill:

Boss Skill: Summon "Lumo the Mime"

Description: Summons Lumo the Mime

Casted Target: Must mimic an emote used by Lumo the Mime, if a player should make an error that player suffers a random condition or takes damage.


You may remember this NPC in a mission from Nightfall Campaign :D

Edited by Krazyxazn

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I'm Mr. T and I'm a Night Elf Human MoHawk (I think its a sign for Mr. T to switch to GW2 :D)


New Dye System in GW2 (gotta love customizations :D)


Roughly 254 colors (and more). No more mixing, and no more dye bottles. You unlock the dyes and they are usable across all characters in that account.

Colors will be sorted by several categorizes for organization. Every armor piece now has 3 dye-able areas.


Freaking orgasmic, customization ftw!

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"Asura with an unknown profession yet to be released"


Hmm engineer or something mechanical?


QQ Never saw this video before. [edit: duh it was posted 2 hours ago.. i failed.]


I'd assume a pure golemancer profession... while golemancy may be secondary for other asurans, these excel? Dunno ><

Edited by Munkypoo7

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