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overclocking issue....


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Ok so I start to play with voltage my ram have 1.435 I rise it to 1.445 it's more stable but crash after 3 min (at 4.6ghz) and if I rise it again a little like 1.455 it crash after 1 min so I should rise by .001???

I could be wrong, but it looks like all the triple XMS3 1333 kits I looked at on the EGG are rated @ 1333 / 1.5v

IF you do have a kit with this rating you may want to set your ram to it's spec voltage of 1.5v or above if OCing it.


You also stated you have a custom water cooling "kit", could you elaborate as to what kit you are using?

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Ok I'll play with volatage again and for dling just add [email protected] for picture of cpuid and all you'll see and you will say sorry


WOW, it seems impossible just to post it here. I give up. <_<

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Edited by dling

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Good morning guys.


IMHO I've been missing the point. No offense to the OP but he obviously doesn't have the experience to take a i7 920 to 5.0Ghz for stable 24/7 operation.


In fact, unless he is using excellent water cooling or phase it's probably just not going to happen. There is a big difference between clocking just for some bragging rights and a screenie - and clocking for safe, stable and non-hardware ruining 24/7 operation. Even achieving 4.6Ghz stable requires that you run DDR3 1600 spd RAM significantly underclocked (like in the neighborhood of 1333Mhz) and a good cpu cooling solution.


I'll venture to say that he still hasn't read any of the socket 1336 overclocking guides.........


This kind of thread usually ends up with "what happened - my computer doesn't boot anymore - what did i do wrong....)

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Forget 5.0 ghz I like to reach like you can said I would like to have a ferrari so for this close the subject I just said that because mu motherboard can handle 5.3ghz I never try to reach 5.0ghz just said I would like one day so Now the REAL thing reach 4.6 I try and try and try but blue screen again I raise voltage and low ram frequency and nothing.... someone has try and can give me the voltage or a good link for i7 920 at 4.6ghz because I don't find real good link thx a lot

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rourkchris seems to already be in the neighborhood of what you are shooting for and I think you guys are running the same board. Need to know whether you are running a C0 or D0 stepping 920 though because voltage requirements to hit those speeds will likely be different between the two.


rourk - do you mind sharing your settings with the OP?

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I don't mind at all helping anyone anytime. I'd rather share that through PM though as some may just come in and try to plug in those #s in their BIOS and expect it to magically work without understanding the inherent risks. I'm able to run some benchmarks @ 4.63Ghz but it certainly isn't stable. Too much voltage and too much heat is generated.


If the OP will PM me I'll gladly share my settings though he assumes the risk to his components. You can see my volatge core here at least http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.p...ost&id=9779


Msdr250 was kind enough to send me some Scythe 120x38mm 133CFM fans http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835185054 that I can experiment with over the Scythe 120x25mm 110CFM fans I'm currently using http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835185060. I need to order some 38mm fan clips first then I may see if I can push a bit further if I get bored.

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