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Catch 22


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Need a little advise from the people in the know,


Right this is going to be hard work to explain but will try.

As you prob can see i use chilled water to cool the CPU, Its a Fridge type compressor which in turn cools a tank of water(stock CPU will get -9c). Inside the tank of chilled water is a copper pipe through witch i pump my coolant for the CPU.


We all clear so far :)


Right this is the BIG Q.

A: Do i add the GPU into the CPUs coolant supply?

B: If you choose A do i put it before the CPU or after ?

C: I have the option to pump the water that's in the tank (The water i chill to cool the copper pipe which carries the CPU coolant)


No matter what i pick i think its going to have an adverse effect.

If i use the CPUs coolant that will ether steal cold water from the CPU or warm the water up for the CPU.

If i use the coolant tanks water that will cause the water to warm up in turn causing the CPUs coolant supply to warm..


What do you think you would choose?

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Thought about doing that but i think the water will not flow through both blocks as they should. If one block has less resistance all the water will go through that. Might be wrong ??

Flow will be inversely proportional to resistance, but the difference in resistance is likely to be small.


The other way to look at it is, the fridge compressor set up is capable of removing a (fairly) fixed ammount of energy in a given time, so yes adding the GPU will have an adverse affect, but this affect will be the same regardless of what way you do it.

You just need to ensure a) the fridge bit is capable of removing the heat generated by both cpu and gpu, b) both gpu and cpu are given adaquate water flow to remove this heat.

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I have fitted the GPU but turned down the CPU (4GHZ) Will try this for a day or so and see.

Have some pics of the GPU temps :)



Looks good. I bet it's nice to not have the jet engine 5970 fan noise...

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