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New Computer for Mom


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Hey guys,


I've just about had it with mom's computer. That thing is running on way too old and needs to be taken out back and hit with a shovel, just once. Since she is too used to daily computer usage she's going to need a cheap replacement. She uses the computer for internet access, the occasional Photoshop/Corel and she watches movies on it as well, all while refusing to play Crysis (or any other game) :D , so it need not be a beast. Would I be better off taking her to best buy and getting her a cheap dell (around 6-700ish for core2duo or i5 type things) or should I just try to assemble something myself? If I do decide to build something myself, I'm planning on reusing the e-machines case that came with this old computer, and reusing the cd-rom drive. Let me know what you think.

i'm thinkin momma needs a new 6 core 1366 right about now !! B:)

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Thank you all for your input. It does look like mom's going the AMD route.


CPU: AMD Phenom II X2 555

As mom's computer died totally last night we're making this thing decent enough to last her a while, no upgrades in 2 yrs.

MoBo: AsRock M3A785GMH

Really like this motherboard as it has a sufficient fan connectors and decent enough on-board graphics for mom.

PSU: Corsair 400W

I think this should be plenty to run the system off.

Memory: A-Data 2X2Gb DDR3 1600MHz

Mom does a lot of intense Photoshopping as she reprocesses photos/scans of her art, 4Gb ought to keep her happy for a fairly long time.

OS Windows 7 64bit

I have a vista disk laying around but I'd much rather have 7 running for mom.

HD Seagate Barracuda 250Gb

I doubt mom will ever need more than this, her recovery files were only 8Gb.

Total cost: 491.62 w/ shipping included.


I'll be using a NZXT Beta Evo case I'm getting for 30$ and a GeminII S fan I have laying around. All in all mom should be set for quite some time. If anyone notices any major incompatibilities please let me know. Will be ordering it in a day or so.

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that will be fine for mild photo work...but if mom does alot of it the 955x4 would be a better choice...only a few more dollars...


if she is just a average editor than the dual will be fine...


if it was my rig I'd opt for an Asus board and a quad...but thats just me...


my thoughts are..."anything worth doing is worth over doing.." that way you'll know it will be fine..


everything else looks fine...you may be able to shave a few bucks going with 1333mhz ram too...

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