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this makes me angry


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ok ive been running on the same settings for a while stable.

so i get a new cooler and think i can move up in voltage and speed because temps are lower.

well after a while i give up and go back to my saved setting ,and now im having

problems! BSOD! what gives? ive seen this so many times,you are good at a

setting and try to change and have no success so you go back.

guess what, it will not be stable there any more. i just dont under stand.

have any of you had the same experience ?

Edited by dling

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You might have damaged your chip with too much voltage.

Will it run stable at stock settings?

No it not to much voltage,i just moved it up to 1.27+ vcore. And yes it will run a defualt setting.

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sometimes you make a change inadvertently and it causes problems. I always go back to the basic setup and start over

that is what i kinda was thinking,just dont want to start all over.

im sure you know how long that takes. but gota do it sometimes.

still i just dont see how or why. it good before and not good now , same setting.

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