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Installed water cooling setup


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Can't get pics up right now but the results are amazing. Before on air at 4.5ghz I was up to the mid 70's. Now with the water cooling I'm never breaking 55C. My loop constists of the MCP-655, 220mm swtiftech rad, swiftech mini-res, apogee xt waterblock, and 7/16" i.d. hose. Other specs are in sig, will get pics up later on.

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noob question for you,,, what is the benefit of a reservoir?




A reservoir is better than a T-Line cause it makes bleeding air bubbles in the loop alot easier. When you have a T-line it makes it harder to bleed. T-lines's are only good for people who have no space. The only downfall to reservoir's is that they do take up space in a case and it's only recommended if you have the space. Personally I wouldn't screw with T-lines cause their a PITA. Reservoir's are way better. If you have the room for one use it.

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All I know is I'm enjoying gaming at 4.5ghz at 40C lol. My stupid camera battery charger seems to have a loose connection internally and is charging one second and dead to the world the next.... it also is held together with handy dandy triangular screw heads...

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One downside to a res would be weight,, even when I have to move my computer to clean it and I dont have WC I notice its pretty darn heavy now that I have 3 HD and 2 GPU's.. now you have WC and a Res you should get some wheels and forget about LAN partys lol

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A reservoir is better than a T-Line cause it makes bleeding air bubbles in the loop alot easier. When you have a T-line it makes it harder to bleed. T-lines's are only good for people who have no space. The only downfall to reservoir's is that they do take up space in a case and it's only recommended if you have the space. Personally I wouldn't screw with T-lines cause their a PITA. Reservoir's are way better. If you have the room for one use it.




Couldn't a person bleed out the air with a res and then cut it off after that and have no res?

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Res is better, u cant really do that because the air will get into the loop.


yeah i am 4.0Ghz @ 40c and its like 30c in my house, but its -27c outside

Edited by insan3

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i love my dual bay resevoir.


makes it simple to bleed and add fluid, i can pull the res out and snip a tube easily without spilling water. (not that i dont understand how people do anyways)


i've never considered weight to be a problem. im a grown adult male


t lines are a pain, and if your like me, i metal clamp every end, use only chrome barbs. that adds up quick.





So i assum you got one of the swiftech kits? the 2x120mm one .

its not bad, but that lil resevoir (swiftech micro-res) is kind puny in comparison to a full tower.

i never could find the place to mount it without it looking dingy


nice change. have you tested your wc on any stability programs to give it run for the money?

Edited by cirro

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My 4.5ghz was stable when I was on air Prime95 large FFT's for 8 hours. Now temps are just a bit higher. And no I didn't get the kit because I actually bought all the parts for under just under 240 where the full kit was 299. But yeah it's essentially the H2O-220 kit. As for the res I find it nice because I have a fan controller on the front and there wouldn't be room for a drive res but at the same time a bigger non-drive res wouldn't fit inside the case easily. Anyways very happy with this setup right now. I'm gonna see if I can hit 4.7ghz 24/7 and 5ghz suicide.

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