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E8400 @ 4.0GHz temp jumps when scrolling in IE?


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I have an E8400 that I boosted up to 4.0GHz today because of some very small performance issues in Dragon Age Origins and Risen. They weren't as silky smooth as I'd like with everything maxed + AA.


So anyway...the thing is running at 3.96 Ghz now. The vcore is like 1.28 or 1.3. The memory is a 2.0 volts. I didn't mess with anything else mainly because I don't know what anything else does. O_o


Coretemps and RealTemps are showing 32-33C idle. Under load I haven't seen it break 50 except in Risen...I think that game is poorly optimized or something.


OK so my main question...is it normal for the temps to jump from 33 to like 42+ from scrolling really fast in IE? :unsure: They immediately drop back to like 33 when I stop the scrolling but is that a sign that it's unstable or something?


I'm not seeing any problems so far. The games are now silky smooth....no artifacts or anything. Not noticing any performance issues just clicking around windows either. It's just this scrolling problem.


Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

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I have an E8400 that I boosted up to 4.0GHz today because of some very small performance issues in Dragon Age Origins and Risen. They weren't as silky smooth as I'd like with everything maxed + AA.


So anyway...the thing is running at 3.96 Ghz now. The vcore is like 1.28 or 1.3. The memory is a 2.0 volts. I didn't mess with anything else mainly because I don't know what anything else does. O_o


Coretemps and RealTemps are showing 32-33C idle. Under load I haven't seen it break 50 except in Risen...I think that game is poorly optimized or something.


OK so my main question...is it normal for the temps to jump from 33 to like 42+ from scrolling really fast in IE? :unsure: They immediately drop back to like 33 when I stop the scrolling but is that a sign that it's unstable or something?


I'm not seeing any problems so far. The games are now silky smooth....no artifacts or anything. Not noticing any performance issues just clicking around windows either. It's just this scrolling problem.


Or maybe I'm just paranoid.


Doesn't IE have a "smooth" scroll effect?


Also, your 9800GT would be the bottleneck for the games.

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lol turns out my computer was unstable. :angry2:


I was sitting back playing dragonage enjoying the boosted performance from my overclock when I got a hang and restart at like the hour mark. =/ So I ran the orthos CPU stress test and it crashed within 3 seconds. lmao


So I bumped up the northbridge voltage a bit and reduced the mem voltage...the memory was hot to the touch moreso than any other component so I just thought that would be a good idea. Also turned off vdroop. o_o Orthos ran for a lil over 30 mins this time (I cut it off) and temps never broke 60C. Memtest checked out aswell.

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Your memory was hotter than the gfx card? I doubt it and if it was,youve got a big problem.I also have a gigabyte board(ok yours is newer than mine) but i doubt the bios's are much different.Set everything back to stock,then oc your proccy to something like 3.6ghz(take your time),and make sure you are setting your memory divider accordingly.If you can get back to 4ghz without issue then i would say your gfx card was to blame for the lock up,seeing as its oc'ed as well.And yes,you are being paranoid.

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