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CPU cooler suggestions please

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What's a good aftermarket CPU cooler for an AM3 build? The CPU is the Phenom II x4 965 BE 3.4Ghz (125w) and this is the motherboard. It needs to be less than $55. Thanks.


edit: Thoughts about this one?

Edited by deluded_reality

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cooler master v8 on sale on newegg for $41 free shipping. on sale until Sunday because of the black Friday discounts.( newegg.ca and CDN price )

Edited by insan3

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yeah i have it, it keep everything really cool my full load is 55C with crappy themal paste(if i got good thermal paste i could get 50C) and cpu is OC to 3.8ghz.

Edited by insan3

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I would have to recommend the 120MM version of the Sunbeam Core Contact Freezer, OCC did a review of it here. It was able to hold its own even against the TRUE only scoring a few degrees below it. I recently purchased one with my cpu running at 3.6Ghz on stock volts I am yet to see the temp go over 40 on my 550 BE.

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