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Determining the culprit of a failed overclock.


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I didn't copy them, and the once shown aren't mine. Images are only to show the things thare are used to modify and overclock. I don't think you wanna see my power management or PnP/PCI Configurations...also they have nothing to do with overclocking. I had to reset cmos because I messed up again while trying some new stuff...that obviously didn't work. Since everything was back to normal I took the liberty of starting the oc again...(as if I'm not gonna end up with the same thing.) For now please imagine that I did give you pics and let's move on(lol) because I don't have an hour right now since I need the PC. Saturday I will post pics of tests and temps. It may not be EXACTLY 35C...maybe it'll be 36-37...fan is always at 1.4rpm. Temp has never reached 40 though...if it's of any importance.

Edited by ballist1x

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so when you bump up from 205 to 210 on the HTT you are getting your boot loop...have you tried to go to 206, 206, 208 or 209? Once I hit a wall like this, I will go ahead and increase by 1MHz to see what I can get out of the chip


Try loosening your timings and lower your RAMs operating frequency to try and rule out the RAM as a problem


When you retest and post screen shots, be sure to include your Prime95 testing at about 6 hours to make sure it is stable with the load temperatures show. If you are getting any errors in Prime95, like ccokeman mentioned before you should be able to tell if it is your processor or your RAM that is giving you problems. From there you should be able to tell which voltages to raise

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Well I did try using the htt although I know that multi is better. I tried lot's of different combinations, but never got to 4.0Ghz. I didn't try each individual one so I can see the super maximum as if it's not 4.0Ghz, it's not 4.0ghz lol. I also did read the thing about the timings in a guide, and did it...loosened them to the max and still nothing. :P I never got errors while I was on my 3.9ghz settings. (started anew as I said in uper post). I tested occt for 15 mins first to see if it was even a little stable. Then 30 times on LinX...took about 45 mins...then 1 hour, 40 mins on prime95...then came what I call the "everyday normal usage test" which consists of me playing games...cheicking the internet etc. Never failed. Tems were in the 30's got up to 37 I think...was something like that. Untill 3.9ghz it's simple to...just do tests and raise, lower voltages n stuff...a little harder when you get a boot loop with no clue to what could be doing it lolz. :D I used to think "hey...I'll just try different things..and depending if the pc boots for a little longer then I'm doin it rite...if it boots and loops faster then i'm doin it wrong" that didn't work too cuz there is absolutely no difference.

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Ballist1x. that guy you just told to f-off named Roadrunner may not be one of our admins, but he is one of our better overclockers, folders, and is a nice person in more then general. I hate to stand up for other people he like other people do not deserve that. don't bother replaying to me via pm or replying to me in your thread. you will be ignored.

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Oh wow, please enlighten me on what kind of person he is. With that kind of posts he's an butt. Now you're being a butt. ...I'm trying to find a way to put...what I wanna say in words but I really can't. Do whatever you want. Like I said: I appreciate people who help and don't say things like "go figure it out urself". I'd like this to end. If anyone else is going to be like this guy don't bother posting. Others that actually wanna feel helpful you are all welcome. I'm not here to make enemies. I simply don't acknowledge people like that.

Edited by ballist1x

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Oh wow, please enlighten me on what kind of person he is. With that kind of posts he's an butt. Now you're being a butt. ...I'm trying to find a way to put...what I wanna say in words but I really can't. Do whatever you want. Like I said: I appreciate people who help and don't say things like "go figure it out urself". I'd like this to end. If anyone else is going to be like this guy don't bother posting. Others that actually wanna feel helpful you are all welcome. I'm not here to make enemies. I simply don't acknowledge people like that.

Actually Roadrunner normally is very respectful and is very talented person who I do ask for advice from personally.


You on the other hand have come off a little differently and thrown comments around as if you don't want to learn so I am not suprised by his comments or anyone else.


We have a great community here and insulting people are not going to help you learn, people are trying to help you including some of the best guys here on the site and you rebuffing them. My suggestion is relax go over everything again that people suggested and come back and let me people know where you are at.


Your Quote


If anyone else is going to be like this guy don't bother posting


That is not your place to say and if you have a problem with what I just posted you can bring it to my attention. I have a special button I like use every now and again. :)

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Just my two cents worth as I didn't see it mentioned before.....


Turn the ram down to something rediculously low so it doesn't come into play at all, then chase the max CPU clockage, if you still get only 3.9....conversely, you can clock the CPU X down and play with the Ram clocking by adjusting the HTT and the transport X to keep the HT link as close to 2000 as possible.....obviously, volt adjustments along the way as necessary....you can run both the ram and cpu at stock and chase the NB clock...................


I apologize if you have already done this proceedure, it is the first thing one must do to find the limits of your hardware, then when you are armed with this information, you can make an informed decision......several times it was requested you post stable bench images runs @3.9, how hard is it to hit 'print screen', open paint, cut/past/save, then post the image, it may help....oops. just checked your past postings, maybe if you had referenced your 3.9 screenies in another thread....whatever....


There is no 'magic setting' that is going to get the 4gig.....


I hear you on the 4gig, I chased it for a long time, finally got a 965 (4.08gig max) and it was easy.....4gig, ain't stable though unless I crank some hefty volts, so she runs 3.8 at barely over stock volts 24/7.....


I think I can say, just based on what you have tried, that your CPU is at its limit....on rare occassions, a different MB may get a higher top end, but the ultimate stable clock prolly ain't gonna change.....


Good luck with your quest....



Edited by bldegle2

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your lack of knowledge on overclocking is pretty pathetic for you to be talking to people the way you do.

you ever think it might be the rodeo clown riding the unicycle thats the problem not the bike itself?


nobody wants to help some jerkoff continue to disrespect people.

you cant even post a screenshot for stablity at 3.9, so that alone probably isn't stable.



your setup seems like some hand-me-down old garbage,

ever think about buying good equiptment?


btw, id love to see what road-runner could do with your setup. you should consider him a F^*(&*(n god compared to you at this.

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I applaud what cirro said! RR is not only a world class overclocker, he is a world class nice guy! You on the other hand are rude and obnoxious! I don't see how you've not been kicked off this board yet!

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I don't care how good he might be. All I've seen is a selfish guy telling me to "figure it out myself". Posting in forums is useless if I was gonna do that. The point in forums is to help each other out. So just back the f* off Ok? As for the ss I decided to not make it since I never thought I need one since my post was ORIGINALLY about finding what was holding back the oc, and if I had really reached the limit. I've accepted that the cpu can't go more than 3.9Ghz. It just seems like everything just drifted in a whole new direction changing the subject.


My set up is good as it is. I don't go to any fancy college nor do I study IT yet so..good for u, u know more than me. This is as quality as it gets for the money. Sorry if I don't wanna spend every last dollar on computers...so that I can go and buy all those new useless rubbish parts that everyone thinks are so good. But you know...thats ok. I don't work...but I managed to get 800$ so for now I've got a pretty good system for what I've spent on it and of course where I live. (freakin quebec tax....almost as much as the stuff it self) I am new to overclocking so it is kind of dumb to ask much of me. I do try my best to learn and I will get there with or without some guy's posts telling me to "go read some guides" when I'm clearly ASKING for help.


It's obviously not helping anyone if this continues, as well as this thread is no longer useful to me as it's not what I intended it to be. I'll probably go in xtremesystems.org maybe the ppl there can answers a few questions without getting all personal n stuff. Or telling me to "go read some guides", and judging how much I know about something I'm trying to learn on my own....on my own time...instead of doing "important" stuff like studying for some tests at school where I'm barely passing (not passing in french, which I also failed last year).

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You are not going to get anywhere in any Forums that are designed for people to read them and learn. Nobody can just write you a simple response

solving all your problems when nobody else knows all the variables of the problem. being vauge and unable to describe proper issues make a certain fix or answer sometimes impossible.


I've learned a whole hell of a lot from reading stickie's in forums , and everything you have described can be basically understood and fixed if you were to just take the time. it could possibly be some slight option error that is told to be turned off in a guide. they have helped me stabilize higher overclocks many many many a time


- guides are there to teach you the basics, and to teach you how to communicate specific issues in a formal manner commonlyunderstood.

have you seen how many times some of the guide have been viewed? its not like you are retarded for having to read a guide.

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I never thought I was retarded for reading a guide. Lemme tell ya, I read certain guides more than once or twice. If I don't understand, I google the stuff. When a more specific problem arises for my exact case, I turn to the forums to ask. I do try to make my posts as short as possible, and at the same time give as much information as I can as I know that some people don't like to read too much and will sometimes just not bother. Then if additional info is needed I provide. I myself on the other hand like reading or giving more information, but I fear that it may lead to an empty thread because of writing too much. As for my thing..I don't care about the 4.0Ghz. I only want a diagnosis that would tell me why...it's not working. If it's supposed to work and if there is a way, it will come to be in time as I get better. It's not going to, if I just say: "oh...it won't boot...f* that, I'm going for some cake...maybe when I get back it'll work."

Basically thats what I'm trying to tell you...I've been trying to read as much guides and stuff related to what I'm doing, and what has to do with my situations.


EDIT: I posted my question in xtremesystems as I said, and got an answer that was fairly...good. It looks like it's more likely to be the cpu because: I quote:

"It probably is an issue with clock wall for one of the cores(or both).There also could be an issue with hot spots on the cpu when you reach certain power level(say you OC to 4Ghz with some overvolting,the chip hits the power/thermal wall and errors out)."


If I understand correctly the thing about the "hot spots" on the cpu...could that be caused by unevenly spread thermal paste? I remember when I put my new cooler, instead of taking the mobo out of the case I tried to put it on while it was on it but it is rather big so I had some difficulty. What I ended up doing was to attach one end of the cooler bracket, and then only press on the other which made the cooler slide on the cpu so it would get balanced out...could that have caused some thermal pasted to get scrubbed of from 1 side while it was getting into place?

Edited by ballist1x

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