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Should I move my games off my RAID5?


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Hi all,


I had my first dirty shutdown that required reinitialization of my 4 x 1TB RAID5 array last night. I've left it initializing all night and it's only at 23%. Urgh.


I was playing The Witcher and I had a hard freeze and had to hard reset.


I have my OS on a RAID0 array, and most media on my RAID5, including all of my games, currently.


Question is: Should I move all of my games to the OS drive to prevent this happening again if there's another hard freeze?


I could play games from the OS drive and back them up to the RAID5.


What do you think?

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Personally I'd get rid of the RAID 0 to start. Installs I definitely wouldn't put on the RAID 5 either (both because of the problem you've noted and because you aren't running a real hardware RAID card so your CPU gets hogged whenever you're doing disk access).

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I'm not worried about my OS on RAID0. I back up regularly and I'm not worried about losing data on that array. Why would you get rid of the RAID0?


I am also not worried about CPU usage on the ICH10R. I have found performance fine, even under demanding combined CPU/HDD usage. Nothing to demand spending a couple of hundred bucks on a dedicated RAID controller.


All I am worried about are more hard crashes which will result in a 2-day reinitialization. I did the same on my last build (games on RAID5) and I went two years without having to reinitialize.

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wow....if i lost a day every time i did a hard shut down, i'd think long and hard before pressing that button.

You should do that anyway...that's one of the worst things you can do on a computer with a disk cache (especially with caching enabled in Windows).

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You should do that anyway...that's one of the worst things you can do on a computer with a disk cache (especially with caching enabled in Windows).



I'm pretty newb so I need you to enlighten me. I've had to do this many times in my life because the computer locks up and I dont know anything else to do...besides alt-ctrl-del

I've always known this is bad but I dont know what else to do


ps... sorry to hijack the thread

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