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Megahalem High Temps!


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This is my first build, but I've spent a great deal of time reading all I could

on the Internet about building a home system. So I was really pleased when I put

everything together out of the case and it booted MemTest86+ the first time and

ran over night on 6GB mem. without errors!


Now my problem: I believe my temps are high for my configuration, see below.

With the Megahalem and running at 1.8GHz @Idle I see 38c degrees in Win Vista

x64, and 63c degrees @3.2GHz with a full blend of eight threads of Prime95

running. Ambient temp. is 22c degrees.


I've tried reinstalling the HSF five times, in both horizontal and vertical

orientations. I've tried more TIM and less TIM. I've made sure to clean it well

with Arctic Cleaner during reinstalls and I've used OCZ Freeze four times and

the TIM from Prolimatech once, but nothing has made a significant change.


I'd like to hear from anyone who has and idea. Especially those who use the

megahalems. One thing I noticed out of the box is my Megahalems has an "X" on

the bottom of the base, (the part that contacts the CPU). It

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Congrats on yer first build there mtwieck, sweet hardware too..All modern Intel CPU's have a TjMax (TjTarget for the i5's and i'7s)..That's the CORE temperatures of the CPU (not to be confused with the CASE temp of the CPU, that's the Intel thermal design spec) at which the CPU "should" begin to throttle as designed by Intel, IF..IF you have the TM ckt(s) enabled on your mobo..TM ckt(s) are a "safety valve" if you will, and you "should" be safe more than safe up to the TjTarget temp on rare occaision with your CPU (providing the temps of the chipset and board remain reasonable) and the CPU begins to throttle, "trying" to save itself from frying..Of course, it's not good to approach this temp on a regular basis..It's generally accepted that 10C below TjTarget won't be an issue, but "mileage may vary"..I highly recommend enabeling the TM ckt(s)..They were made for a GOOD reason, so you don't fry stuff !!!..If you're OC gets you too near TjTarget, you either need to back off, or get a better cooling solution..Or, on the flip-side, if you're not too near it, you've got some more room to OC more..Personally I enable TM1 only (on my EVGA 790i SLI FTW board because it throttles the clock cycles and doesn't interfere with the Vcore), to save things if I happen to be takin' a healthy crap when my high temp alarm goes off..The ONLY sure-fire (no pun intended) way to see what your TjTarget temp REALLY is, is to slowly take the CPU higher and higher in temperature untill it sends a PROCHOT# signal to the motherboard, which will "LOG" a thermal event in the "Real Temp" program..As I see it, your temps right now are MORE than accetable man !..So, D/L "Real Temp"..D/L "Speedfan"...Keep an eye on Real Temp while you put your CPU under a constant load, then slowly decrease the CPU fan speed with Speedfan to raise the temp, and watch to see what temperature Real Temp logs a thermal event on any given core..Set the high temp alarm to go off at 10C below the logged thermal event..Yer good to go..Piece of cake..You'll need to calibrate those programs too, you can read the documentation.


Real Temp:





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I've used the Prolimatech in several builds and the temps have been excellent. Never seen the "X" maching mark though. I've had 7 Prolimatech coolers and none of them had this. It may be a good idea to lap your cooler. Here's a guide to lapping with pics http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.p...c=71649&hl= . Picking up a 2nd set of fan clips and another fan to add to the back of the heatsink for a push/pull configuration is another idea. I'm unfamiliar with your case but cleaning up the wiring with zip ties to ensure good case airflow is another thought.


Your temps are acceptable but I wouldn't be particularly happy with them either. I'd like to see what some of your BIOS settings are, like CPU voltage and PLL voltage to get a better idea.

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Thread Update:


Thanks to all who took the time to reply, I really value your responses!


I'm not worried so much about the temps doing damage. I just expected that with this HSF assy. I would have better readings. All the reviews I've read for the Megahalems seem to idle in the upper 20's for idle and upper 50's for load. So needless to say I was supprised by my temps.


I plan on seeing what everyone has to say about this and then going back to Prolimatech to see what they say. If they blow me off, then I'll most likely resort to lapping the HSF but that's a last resort.


rourkchris: All BIOS settings are on AUTO except for VDIMM, it's 1.643v and BCLK it's set to 150. I've watched the cpu voltage with CPUZ and it varies from .948v at idle to 1.138v at load running Prime95, PLL I don't know what it's doing.


I'll get back to all with any major changes if and when they occur!

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Not to be a jerk or anything, but did you remove the base sticker before installing the Megahalem into your system? :unsure:

hahaha...lol i've done that before too.... :lol:

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Those temperatures look right for a room with a normal ambient temp. You really aren't going to get into the high 20s at idle unless you keep your room cold.


Hehehe...just shown for fun. Ambient is about 63F +- accuracy of our thermostat.




Opty 180 + lapped TRUE (two medium Panaflo's at 7V) Idle, of course :)


Top temperatures are from Coretemp, bottom, GPU from rivatuner.

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Hehehe...just shown for fun. Ambient is about 63F +- accuracy of our thermostat.




Opty 180 + lapped TRUE (two medium Panaflo's at 7V) Idle, of course :)


Top temperatures are from Coretemp, bottom, GPU from rivatuner.

3 F above ambient is impressive if the reading is accurate. Your CPU isn't exactly a heat monster though. :P

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3 F above ambient is impressive if the reading is accurate. Your CPU isn't exactly a heat monster though. :P


I just started my computer up before that. I was kinda curious about transients...guess I don't have to worry about that! (Can you tell I love this CPU?)




I do have a ridiculous amount of fans in the case (3x120 intake, 2x120+1x90 exhaust...and two on the CPU)


Back on topic...


Has anybody tried out one of the lower TDP i7 Xeons (I'm curious about their temperatures and overclocking)? The 60W L5506 sounds like it'd make a pretty efficient SMP-folder for those who are watching their power bills (then again...$50 saving per year would take about 4 years of folding to make up the price difference between that and a 920)

Edited by Crazy_Nate

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