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Low temps but unable to OC at all

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12HRS is quite excessive, but it ensures that your OC is completely stable even under extremely trying conditions. The longest stress test I have ever done is 6HRS, which to me seems even quite a bit overkill.


The important thing is that you are stable. Once you find a "stable" OC run a test for several hours to ensure it's stability.

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With the right cooling. Absolutely.


If you bump your voltage to 1.45v you will be able easily bring it up to 3.9GHz with the right cooling.


I got this cooler http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835103065


along with this case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...max%20hurricane


so far I've gotten a 3.6ghz OC at 1.45v. Any possibility to push it even further? If not I'm pretty happy with the OC right now.

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Yes, at that voltage and a decent motherboard you should be able to get 3.9GHz out of it. There are no guarantees of course, but most people I know with that processor have been able to reach 3.8 3.9GHz at those voltages.

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Yes, at that voltage and a decent motherboard you should be able to get 3.9GHz out of it. There are no guarantees of course, but most people I know with that processor have been able to reach 3.8 3.9GHz at those voltages.


Lol sorry for the confusing question. What I meant to say was that at 1.45v I've maxed out at 3.6ghz, but would a further voltage bump give me better OC performance again?

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That is odd, that you MAXED OUT, but entirely possible.


I would never put more than 1.5v into that CPU in particular. Even if you can make it stable, you are likely to kill it sooner rather than later.


You can try to bring up the voltage, but it is likely that you hit the "wall" with that CPU, if you were running the stock cooler with a crappy case I may be singing a different tune, but you have an adequate environment.

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That is odd, that you MAXED OUT, but entirely possible.


I would never put more than 1.5v into that CPU in particular. Even if you can make it stable, you are likely to kill it sooner rather than later.


You can try to bring up the voltage, but it is likely that you hit the "wall" with that CPU, if you were running the stock cooler with a crappy case I may be singing a different tune, but you have an adequate environment.


Yeah I'm at 3.7ghz at 1.5v, I thought putting more would be unsafe as I've never seen anymore put more than that.

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It is likely not worth the performance difference.


You are better off keeping it at 3.5GHz at a nicer voltage. You will get more life out of it.


Good luck!


Wait really, I knew that this would wear out my cpu faster but by how much? I'm planning on keeping this computer for ideally 2 years, and no longer than 3, will it last through that time?

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