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Scythe Ninja 2


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I recently bought a scythe ninja 2 cooler, and my temps are waaay too high.

My temps go above 90 degrees celsius on max load with Prime95 on stock settings with my Q9550.

In this link http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/scythe_ninja2/4.htm they test the same cooler with a weaker cpu and get much lower temps.

I have an Antec900 case so airflow shouldn't be a problem.

I have also applied aftermarket thermal paste.


Any help would be appreciated

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Make sure its PROPERLY mounted, the cooler must make contact with the CPU and all pins must be secured.


Also make sure you have removed any protective plastic that may be found on the coolers bottom.


Last, but not least, do not overuse thermal paste. The amount used should be about the size of a rice corn.

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AS5 is about 99% pulverized silver. the "other" pastes out there are 50% 75% copper or silver, etc. other blends. silver is much more heat conductive than copper or anything else offered in pastes. so...Arctic Silver 5 is the only thing i ever touch. its the most conductive of all. also, Clean off the top of the CPU heat spreader and the bottom of the heat sink itself thoroughly before applying this stuff. you need a lint free rag....something like a ripped t-shirt tail or sleeve or something works well and the solvent used should be denatured alcohol....or an alcohol type that has no residue left behind after evaporation. a can of that stuff costs a few $$....its cheap really. so is a ripped undershirt. one little tube of AS5 has lasted me YEARS....a little goes a long way. anythign i build get it on anything that has a removable heatsink.


never use water and a paper towel....just asking for trouble.

good luck!!

(i once didnt have my waterblock seated on my opteron properly and the rig would shut down immediately after startup. BIOS showed 82c on shutdown.)

Edited by robAP

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AS5 is about 99% pulverized silver. the "other" pastes out there are 50% 75% copper or silver, etc. other blends. silver is much more heat conductive than copper or anything else offered in pastes. so...Arctic Silver 5 is the only thing i ever touch. its the most conductive of all. also, Clean off the top of the CPU heat spreader and the bottom of the heat sink itself thoroughly before applying this stuff. you need a lint free rag....something like a ripped t-shirt tail or sleeve or something works well and the solvent used should be denatured alcohol....or an alcohol type that has no residue left behind after evaporation. a can of that stuff costs a few $$....its cheap really. so is a ripped undershirt. one little tube of AS5 has lasted me YEARS....a little goes a long way. anythign i build get it on anything that has a removable heatsink.


never use water and a paper towel....just asking for trouble.

good luck!!

(i once didnt have my waterblock seated on my opteron properly and the rig would shut down immediately after startup. BIOS showed 82c on shutdown.)


I doubt very much it is 99% silver. Source?


It contains 99.9% silver but the spec sheets don't tell how much is in there. Look at the chemical composition and there's a lot of other component parts that are very unlikely to be only 1%!


I'd be very surprised if it was 10%!





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I remounted the cooler and temps are still pretty high..

I did remove the plastic cover from the cooler and I unlocked the clips pressed as far as they went and locked them.

Although the heatsink isn't very secure if I press it sideways the clips release easily..

(maybe I'll take out the motherboard and try to put in the cooler that way so I can see what is happening with the clips at the bottom)

I also reapplied the AS5 but unfortunately I didnt have any alcohol at home to clean the cpu surface could that be the problem?




Edited by ma-xell

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