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AMD Phenom II x4 965

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I was looking into the Phenom II x4 965, so I checked the Motherboard support list and it only showed one motherboard. Thinking that this is obviously not right, I was wondering if any AM2+ motherboard would be fine for the 965. Also, which one would you guys recommend? I don't want the top end models, I would rather take a middle/low end motherboard to use it with.

Thanks in advance.

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+1 to rourkchris, however if you want to stick with DDR2 the Asus M4A78 line of boards are pretty good, also the MSI thats in my sig is top notch too (both also have support for am3 cpu's too if im not mistaken) ;)

Edited by SenitaL

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some of the AM2+ boards need a bios update ........


Yes some board will need a BIOS update..........................................................................


.............................................or they may not recognize the 965 but show up as..............................................................................


........................................"unrecognized processor"...........................................................................


..................... <_<

Edited by rourkchris

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I dont mean to intrude, but i cant resist. I highly recommend to get the 955 instead. You can very easily move the multiplier up one and you then have a 965, effectively. It will be identical in performance. Again, I am sorry to jump in here with this.

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I dont mean to intrude, but i cant resist. I highly recommend to get the 955 instead. You can very easily move the multiplier up one and you then have a 965, effectively. It will be identical in performance. Again, I am sorry to jump in here with this.

good suggestion , but some of the members in this forum agreed that 965 will reach higher clocks than 955, both are good



why are you sorry ........? :closedeyes:

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good suggestion , but some of the members in this forum agreed that 965 will reach higher clocks than 955, both are good



why are you sorry ........? :closedeyes:


I dont want to high jack the thread. I find myself preaching sometimes. I dont think the OP is a big time OCer, I could be wrong. I dont think 100mhz is a big deal of difference. And even that little difference is debatable. I have seen 965s that struggle past 3.8, not even reaching 3.9. Thats it for all PH2s on air, they all just about land <4ghz right above 3.8ghz to the 4.0ghz range, when really pushed by an experienced OCer. As far as the 965 being a better OCer, I just dont see the consistent results. It has been heavily advertised to be a better OCer, but thats a buncha marketing hype, Just think of all the reviews of the 940 hitting ~4.0ghz at the beginning of the yr. There were many. Well thats exactly were the 965 is landing in its reviews too. But many ppl in the public couldnt get their 940s to 4ghz, they landed at the ~3.9ghz range. Well....The 965 is pretty much hitting the same wall. At most i give the 965 on average 100mhz max OC over the 955/940. And that is being generous.

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I dont want to high jack the thread. I find myself preaching sometimes. I dont think the OP is a big time OCer, I could be wrong. I dont think 100mhz is a big deal of difference. And even that little difference is debatable. I have seen 965s that struggle past 3.8, not even reaching 3.9. Thats it for all PH2s on air, they all just about land <4ghz right above 3.8ghz to the 4.0ghz range, when really pushed by an experienced OCer. As far as the 965 being a better OCer, I just dont see the consistent results. It has been heavily advertised to be a better OCer, but thats a buncha marketing hype, Just think of all the reviews of the 940 hitting ~4.0ghz at the beginning of the yr. There were many. Well thats exactly were the 965 is landing in its reviews too. But many ppl in the public couldnt get their 940s to 4ghz, they landed at the ~3.9ghz range. Well....The 965 is pretty much hitting the same wall. At most i give the 965 on average 100mhz max OC over the 955/940. And that is being generous.

.......about the 965 ....it may be true , i am going to build my self another system after i5 come out and i think it will be amd

i will get 955/965 depending on price , i will put on it ocz vandetta 2 and i will see how it will oc , i think it will oc just fine and 4.0 will be reached , but if not then i will put cooler master v 10 which will get me there .....



there is no harm in giving advices and working together ........ :) .........

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For those that aren't overclockers a 965 is guaranteed 3.4Ghz right out of the box. I'll agree that the 965 may or may not be better than a 955 or even a 940. Even when overclocked the margin seems small or non-existent. I say get what makes you happy. 100-200Mhz isn't going to make much of a difference but neither is $50 over a long period of time.

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.......about the 965 ....it may be true , i am going to build my self another system after i5 come out and i think it will be amd

i will get 955/965 depending on price , i will put on it ocz vandetta 2 and i will see how it will oc , i think it will oc just fine and 4.0 will be reached , but if not then i will put cooler master v 10 which will get me there .....



there is no harm in giving advices and working together ........ :) .........

There's nothing magic about a V10 that's going to get you to 4Ghz. It's far from the top heatsink out there by a fair margin. 4Ghz can be a fairly hard overclock to reach. I've hit it a couple of times myself but it takes some knowledge and a lot of luck with the CPU you get. Research your coolers before you sink money into that V10.............................................................................




Edited by rourkchris

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