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Stock Q9450 Cooling


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I just ordered a new HAF932 case, and decided to add an Artic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro to my order.


I read a lot of reviews online that said it was a great cooler for the cost. But then I read on these forums that most people say it really isn't that great compared to others.


I only bought it because it was the cheapest I found with free shipping as well. Plus it was suppose to be good for its range of price.


I plan on keeping my Q9450 at bone stock settings, I just wanted a little upgrade. I am currently using this cheap little water cooling system that my friend gave me out of his Velocity Micro PC he bought from Best Buy. It's so cheap/little looking I think it's doing a worse job than air cooling would.


My question is, did I make a mistake getting the Freezer 7 Pro if I am keeping my CPU at stock/factory settings? I paid 23 dollars shipped for it.

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if you are keeping it bone stock then use the bone stock fan and heatsink. all you are doing is wasting money if you purchase an aftermarket cooler.

this is assuming your house has A/C, of course.

thinking of a slightly bigger fan as a 'little upgrade' is like putting neon stickers on the outside of your case. it does nothing to make your computer faster at stock timings. A bigger fan is needed when the CPU cooling is inefficient.


since you already have this fan, go ahead and overclock a little bit, you won't hurt anything.

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The Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro will do just fine. You can always upgrade later if you need to. It's not the best cooler but it's far from the worst. It sounds to me like it was perfect for your budget. Go ahead and install it. I'd like to know what your temperatures are with it. What does it matter what others think of your cooler? I doubt they'll be there to pay for your new parts should they be destroyed if an overclock went wrong from too high a setting. Just dance with the date you brought and if she doesn't do it for you then ask for suggestions down the road. Stock settings aren't going to stress that cooler.

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